Antonio Meca, candidate for the mayor of Lorca for the political formation Citizenship, before the serious irregularities that have been known today that are quantified in a "huge amount of annual money" asks explanations to the mayor of Lorca Fulgencio Gil.
Antonio Meca wants to know "if there has been a favorable treatment towards officials of the local police headquarters of Lorca, events that if confirmed would imply an embezzlement of public money and a stain for the magnificent group of public officials of our City Council".
The information appearing refers to a complaint by the CSIF about unjustified payments of public money for productivity concepts, vacations and specific special days, for which no justification could be proved.
Citlor's candidate believes that "the management of the public money that the local government team is doing is very deficient and is oriented towards political clientelism and favorable treatment."
From Ciudalor, an immediate explanation is requested, the justification of the allegedly irregularly collected economic amounts and the return of them.
Source: Ciudalor