It will occupy square by the internal current 'Coordinator of Independent Militants of IU', led by the ex- national deputy Ricardo Sixto, from which it demands the celebration of an extraordinary assembly so that the bases of this organization recover the power of decision and mark a new roadmap
Councilwoman Lorca Gloria Martin has been proposed to be part of the Social and Political Assembly of the United Left, the highest governing body of this formation between Federal Assemblies.
It is the body of government and decision of Izquierda Unida, and has the highest functions in organizational, budgetary and political management matters, as well as the ability to approve electoral programs and evaluate, direct and promote the action of institutional groups .
Martín, who will occupy one of the two seats reserved for the quota corresponding to the internal stream 'Coordinator of Independent Members of IU', led by the former national deputy Ricardo Sixto, will premiere on this responsibility next Saturday at a meeting that will It will be held at the federal headquarters of IU in Madrid.
In this meeting, Martin will defend the position of the current of which he is a part, which advocates the holding of an extraordinary assembly within the IU that allows the militancy to debate the failure of the electoral strategy and decide whether to continue with the current confluence model.
Given the proposal of the federal coordinator to deepen the "organic integration" with Podemos, Martin believes "essential" the celebration of this meeting to be "the bases of IU" who take a decision in the appropriate framework and after "a debate calm, democratic and participatory ".
In this regard, Martin has indicated that, on this occasion, hasty decisions can not be made in management bodies or through "telematic referendums", but "it is militancy, in its own right, which has the right to choose the new road that must be undertaken by IU, a decision that "can not be stolen from the bases", especially after the electoral failure of the 26M, which only in the Region of Murcia has resulted in the loss of more than half of its councilors (from 42 to 19) and has involved the loss of institutional representation in important municipalities such as Murcia, Águilas, Molina de Segura, Alcantarilla, Mazarrón or Caravaca de la Cruz.
Martin has lamented that the result of the municipal elections has been "the worst in the history of the organization" and that he has not done justice to the work "indefatigable, honest, and committed to the interests of the working class" that have developed their positions institutional
He also pointed out that the data show that IU has resisted better where "we have worked with a clear and proper profile".
In his opinion, the candidates of IU have paid the failed model of confluence with Podemos, which has again been rejected by the electorate, as it has been happening "call after call".
For this reason, he has pointed out the need for a change in strategy because "there is no point in engaging in something that is not working".
Source: IU-verdes Lorca