On May 30, 2019 the awards "Ideas for the new health 4.0", convened by the Hospital Virgen del Alcázar de Lorca for high school and vocational training students of the branch of Health centers corresponding to the Area III of Health of the Region of Murcia.
These awards are intended to stimulate the research spirit and creativity of students in the field of health, as well as to offer teachers the opportunity to contribute to the debate on the next health 4.0, giving a practical sense to their teaching .
The four finalists, from the 2nd year of the Bachillerato de Investigación, defended their work before the jury composed of Dr. Jerónimo Lajara Blesa, Dr. Antonia E. Martínez Martínez and Ms. María López de Teruel Alcolea.
These are the names and titles of the works awarded with technological material and check book:
First prize.
Ángela Garrido Sánchez: Relational study on acne and nutrition: effect of hyperglycemic and dairy products.
Second prize.
Elena Periago Fuentes: Analysis of labeling and social awareness on the consumption of palm oil.
Third prize ex aequo.
Hamza Haddioui Zine: Nutrition and academic performance in students practicing Ramadan and Mercedes Aceituno Segura: Factors associated with exclusive breastfeeding during the first six months of life.
The tutor of these investigations was also awarded, Professor Doña Esther Sánchez Pérez.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca