The intervention, driven by a private company, has a total investment that exceeds 1.3 million euros.
It is, mainly, the recovery of the North and East bays of the building, seriously damaged by earthquakes and floods.
The Mayor of Lorca, Fulgencio Gil, has reported that the City Council, through the Urban Planning Area, has granted a Construction Execution License for the restoration of the North and East Bays of the Cloister of the Church of Carmen.
It is a private promotion action included in the Special Plan for Interior Reform (PERI) 4, called "Claustro del Carmen".
We must point out that the whole of this Temple, as well as its convent are declared of Cultural Interest.
The First Edil explained that in the first instance and as a result of the report that the Directorate General of Cultural Assets evacuated in March of last year, an urgent action was already carried out on the eastern corridor of the cloister to avoid structural deterioration, mainly in the deck area.
The current intervention entails the execution of the rest of the actions aimed at the integral restoration of both the Este corridor (owned by the applicant merchant and reserved for tertiary use) and the North Crujía.
The latter is attached to the church of Carmen, with use for equipment, and will become municipal ownership once restored.
We are talking about a property that presents an advanced degree of deterioration, so that its recovery will constitute a notable advance, constituting the building resulting in a valuable resource for the municipal heritage.
The main objective is the formal recovery of the property, documenting and valuing the work with a double objective: on the one hand to recover the northern bay almost completely collapsed, and on the other hand, to repair and resolve the damage caused by earthquakes and floods in the property , through the consolidation and complete restoration of the facades, including carpentry, so that it recovers the original appearance that it had, besides consolidating its stability and security.
In the 23rd meeting of the Commission of the Master Plan held on 22nd November, the granting of a subsidy to the commercial developer of the project was approved for the amount of € 750,000 for the rehabilitation of the east panda of the Terciary Cloister, conditional on the recovery of the demolished part of municipal ownership, resulting in a total investment budget by the promoter of € 1,353,556.
A term of execution of works planned in 9 months is defined.
When the works are finished the City Council will receive all the part attached to the Church of Carmen fully rehabilitated and refurbished.
This important part of the equipment is planned to be handed over to the Brotherhood of the Holy Christ of Forgiveness, Paso Morado, in order to be able to complete their installations that they intend to dedicate to a museum performance.
It should be emphasized that the execution of these works will also allow opening the existing interior plaza.
Notes on rehabilitation works of the cloister of the Church of Carmen.
The Special Plan for Internal Reform of El Carmen was definitively approved by a Plenary Agreement dated February 28, 2005. Also, by Resolution of the City Hall dated July 26, 2005, the Replacing Project of the Unique UA of PERI was definitively approved. del Carmen and published in the BORM of December 14, 2005.
By Resolution of Mayorship of date May 16, 2006 the project of Urbanization of the PERI was definitively approved.
Subsequently the whole of the Church and Convent of Carmen de Lorca has been declared of Cultural Interest with category of Monument by Decree 89/2009, of April 30, of the Government Council and published in the BORM n ° 99 of May 2 of 2009.
The seismic movements of May 2011 caused damage to the Terciary building and to the use of equipment, increasing said damages after the floods that occurred in Lorca on September 23, 2012, which caused the collapse of five sections of the equipment building adjacent to the Church. from Carmen.
The debris works of the demolished part of the cloister after the floods and the collapse of the structures that are still standing, as well as the consolidation of susceptible remains, were carried out from December 2012 to August 2013 by the Institute of Spanish Historical Heritage within the actions included in the Basic Project and Restoration Execution of the Church of Nuestra Señora del Carmen after the earthquakes.
Due to the situation of progressive deterioration of the wall structures and as a consequence of the Resolution of April 26, 2013 of the General Directorate of Cultural Assets, in May 2013 emergency actions are ordered in the East wing of the old Cloister of Carmen valued in 98,000 euros, aimed at guaranteeing the protection and conservation of the Cloister and which were executed by the commercial owner of the building.
Subsequently, more emergency actions have been carried out in the aforementioned property relating to the underpinnings of the vaults of the basement, of the collapsed and forged arches, restoration of roofs and consolidation of the walls of the facades, all of them informed by the DG of Cultural Assets .
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca