Irene Jódar: "The continuous unfulfilled promises in a matter, such as the lack of shadow areas in schools, which is so worrying to the school community of the municipality, highlights another evidence of the need for the Region and in Lorca as soon as possible a change of government that puts social welfare at the center of political activity "
The councilor-elect of the PSOE in the City of Lorca, Irene Jódar has again demanded the Regional Government of the Popular Party in office to keep its word and put an end to the delay in the construction of the three shadow areas promised within the Shadow Plan, in the patios of the public schools Alfonso X, Villaespesa and San Fernando, whose installation is still pending after several years.
"The lack of commitment of the Regional Government, together with the lack of demand from the municipal government team, both from the Popular Party, means that they have to be their own parents, as has happened in the Sacred Heart CEIP who have to put their own effort and find their own means to make it possible for these students to have areas where they can take refuge from the high temperatures that are recorded these months, "said Irene Jódar.
"With more than 300 days a year of sunshine in our municipality, our educational centers have to have shaded areas and be better equipped so that the stay of our students is safe," said the mayor.
However, to date "only 12% of schools are adequately protected from high temperatures", far from that 80% at the regional level.
Jódar pointed out that "these continuous breaches, coupled with the lack of commitment of the Regional Government evidence yet another sign of the need to produce as soon as necessary change of government to return to the center of political decision the welfare of people" .
Source: PSOE Lorca