Matos has said that "there is no split road of these characteristics in the entire Region of Murcia without being considered a highway, which is a comparative grievance."
The spokesman of the PSOE in the City of Lorca, Diego José Mateos, has reiterated his demand so that the divided highway that runs between the cities of Lorca and Águilas is definitively reconverted into a motorway, with all the characteristics that this type of highways have. capacity, since the current situation does not guarantee the full security of the thousands of drivers and users who circulate daily through it.
In recent years there have been serious accidents with fatalities whose main cause is the exit of the road and rollover of vehicles since there are wide stretches along the 35 kilometers that separate these two locations where the road "completely lacks quitamiedos, in spite of the existence of curves of great radius and slope, zigzag sections, wide ditches and precipices that constitute a serious danger ".
The mayor has insisted that "does not exist in the entire Region of Murcia a dual track of these characteristics without having the consideration of highway, which is a grievance comparative" with the Lorca region.
Among the shortcomings of this infrastructure of great capacity, stresses that "it lacks security mesh in all its layout that prevents the access of animals to the road", while it is crucial that installed "barrier of next-generation guardrails with protections SPM (Protection System for Motorcyclists) in the wide sections where these do not exist to avoid the exits of the vehicles of the road in case of distraction or accident, or to avoid that the injured motorcyclists suffer serious mutilation or death ".
In addition, Mateos has indicated that "it is necessary to improve horizontal signage and renew the vertical, the modification of the superelevations, as well as implement the passive safety system consisting of rough bands on the road markings that delimit the road of the shoulder to create an effect of alarm and attention of the driver in case he suffers drowsiness.
Diego José Mateos recalled that since last November of 2017 and at the initiative of the Socialist Parliamentary Group, there is a commitment, backed by all groups of the Autonomous Parliament to make this reconversion effective, with the aim of improving the road safety of this high capacity road.
"Without going any further, in recent times there have been several accidents, fortunately without regretting fatalities, but evidence of the danger of this route and the urgent need to undertake the necessary improvements in road safety, as we are talking about a road that supports an important traffic of vehicles ".
In particular, the road supports the passage of 15,000 vehicles per day;
figure that increases noticeably in summer ".
Source: PSOE Lorca