The writer lorquino Francisco José Motos, will present his latest book, 'The keys of paradise', and sell copies of his novels, allocating a part of the collection to this group.
The Councilor for NGOs, Social Services and the Mayor of Lorca City Council, María Dolores Chumillas presented this morning, together with Antonia Robles, president of Afilor, the Lorca Association of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue, and the Lorca writer, Francisco Motos , the solidarity event that will take place this Saturday, June 22.
The mayor of Ong's has detailed that the act, which will take place at the Teatro Guerra de Lorca, will begin at 9 pm and is completely free, until full capacity is reached.
In the same, the writer lorquino Francisco José Motos, will return to present his latest novel, entitled 'The keys of paradise'.
Chumillas stressed that "this event has been prepared with love with the aim of spending a pleasant time and unite culture with solidarity."
In addition, there will be musical performances, there will be a theatrical performance of a sequence of the novel, by the writer from Lorca.
Counting on the participation of the actor Jesús Martínez, the musician Andrés Giménez, and the bailaora, Remedios Soriano.
For its part, the president of Afilor, Antonia Robles, stressed that also talk about fibromyalgia, as well as the importance that this association has at the time of giving visibility to this disease "misunderstood by the medical community and society "
Motos has advanced that it will sell some of its books, allocating a part of the collection to this association, in addition it will sign copies of its four novels to all those interested.
From AFILOR some articles will also be on sale to raise funds, with which to carry out activities that help improve the quality of life of these patients.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca