In the next few days a banner with the slogan 'Against Sexist Violence' will shine from the balcony of the Town Hall, with the aim of making society aware of the need to continue joining forces to end "this social problem".
The mayor of Lorca, Diego José Mateos, along with the Councilor for Equality of Consistory, Antonia Pérez, and the president of the Federation of Women's Organizations, Pilar Fernández has announced that in the next few days the banner will shine from the balcony of the Town Hall. Against the macho violence ', after reaching, in the last hours, the 1,000 victims in Spain since 2003, according to official data.
The mayor of Lorca has indicated that it is a problem that affects the whole society and for which they have to join efforts, so he has again called on all citizens to report if they are suffering, or if They are suspicious of a close case.
Mateos stressed that the City Council echoed this situation "that has to end."
Mateos has announced that he will continue betting from the Consistory to apply policies and measures for the prevention and specialized attention of women victims of violence and minors in their charge.
For its part, from the Federation of Women's Organizations, where this initiative has started, its president Pilar Fernandez, who has accompanied members of its board of directors has said that "we are aware that facts like this help to continue visualizing this problem" .
It should be noted that, in Lorca, the Specialized Care Center for Women Victims of Gender Violence, CAVI, whose current competencies correspond to the General Directorate for Women and Equal Opportunities;
and that provides its services in collaboration with the City Councils of the Region, consists of two psychologists, a legal adviser and two social workers who provide psychological support, legal advice on all criminal and civil issues related to the abuse suffered, as well as social counseling on the most suitable resources for women and management of those economic resources, accommodation, protection, training and employment guidance, among others, in terms of violence that may arise.
The objective of the intervention that is carried out in these services is fundamentally aimed at making women aware of the violence experienced and their integral recovery, so that they can face their lives independently, enhancing the necessary skills to overcome the aftermath of abuse .
During the past year, in the CAVI, which depends on the Department of Equality and which was created in April 2008, 370 women attended CAVI professionals, who received personalized and free attention.
Mateos recalled that these centers can go to any woman, who has suffered or is suffering any act of gender violence at the hands of their partner or ex-partner, whether or not there is a relationship of coexistence.
No prior complaint is necessary to be attended to this resource, whose hours of service are 8.30 h.
to 14 h.
and from 16 h.
at 7pm
Lorca also has one of the four shelters that are in the Region of Murcia whose ownership and management is municipal, through the subsidy of the General Directorate for Women and Equal Opportunities.
These dependencies are a social resource where women, their daughters and sons are temporarily housed, receiving an integral treatment, promoting the personal autonomy of these women, providing them with the means for their socio-labor insertion.
Since 2012, Lorca has had a Local Coordinating Board for Gender Violence in which all the municipal professional areas involved are represented, directly or indirectly, in the intervention with women victims of gender violence, with the aim of optimizing the actions that are developed in that area.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca