The councilor of this formation, Gloria Martin, remembers that it is a BIC "that is falling apart", and that the City Council has the obligation, "by Law", to keep it, guard it and protect it to ensure its integrity and avoid its destruction or deterioration
The councilor of IU-Greens Lorca, Gloria Martin, has asked the Mayor of Lorca, Diego José Mateos (PSOE) not to park the rehabilitation of the hydraulic complex of the Escarambrujo Mill, well heritage of the City Council.
"It is not a question of the mayor liking the project more or less," said Martín, who added that "we are talking about an asset of Cultural Interest (BIC), in critical condition, whose owner in this case the City Council, has the obligation to "conserve it, guard it and protect it to ensure its integrity and prevent its destruction or deterioration", by virtue of the Cultural Heritage Law of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia.
In that sense, Martin said he does not understand that, in relation to the bullring, Mateos assures that he will not make "a clean slate of all the initiatives of the previous PP municipal government", while he has already stated that the recovery of Escarambrujo complex "is not a priority".
"It is because it is falling apart," said Martin, who considered "reasonable" that the new government team wants to weigh other uses for the whole, "as long as its immediate rehabilitation is addressed."
Martin recalled that the mill was donated by its previous owners to the consistory "in full control, free of charges, levies and leases."
The value of the whole, which includes two other properties on a farm of more than 20,000 m2, is around 450,000 euros, of which the Consistory did not have to pay a penny.
In addition, it has 800,000 euros of regional funding under the Master Plan for the recovery of the cultural heritage of Lorca that left the previous municipal government compromised.
On the contrary, the purchase of the Sutullena bullring by the City Council, and to which the PSOE did not object, cost 1.3 million euros, and another investment of 1.8 million is still needed for its recovery.
"We believe that, unlike the Sutullena bullring, the acquisition of the mill and its surroundings was a good operation for Lorca, now it is time to recover it and make it available to the neighbors," he concluded.
House of the Counselor
On the other hand, Martin has criticized that the previous PP government team did nothing to acquire for municipal heritage another historic property included in the catalog of protected property of the City Council, in reference to the House of the Counselor, in the deputation of Grill.
"The opportunity to buy it was lost and now the real estate value, which continues to be privately owned, has multiplied because it is being rehabilitated with a subsidy of 350,000 euros (78% of the works budget) of the Autonomous Community charged to the loan from the European Investment Bank ".
In this regard, Martin said that IU is concerned that this type of subsidies, which are substantial, "do not link to any measure that guarantees a public return on an investment that we pay among all."
As it has happened with the ancestral homes of the historical center, the excuse of the earthquake has served so that the owners of these properties rehabilitate them when in fact they were in a serious state of abandonment and deterioration long before the earthquakes.
"We think it is good to address the architectural rehabilitation of buildings with historical value, but we demand that when it is done with public money to endow it with a social utility," he concluded.
Source: IU-verdes Lorca