The delays are causing, in occasions, that the people who transit by these routes choose to turn around or, in the worst cases, to cross the steps even with the lowered barriers, generating situations of serious danger and insecurity.
The Deputy Spokesman of the Municipal People's Group in the Municipality of Lorca, Ángel Meca, has urged the Administrator of Railway Infrastructures (ADIF), to solve the incidents that are being registered in the last weeks in the existing level steps in the Roads of Churra and Pina both in the deputation of Tercia, caused by long waits
Ángel Meca pointed out that this is an eventuality that, according to our neighbors, has been taking place over the past few weeks, which has led some drivers to commit the imprudence of crossing the roads even when the barriers are lowered. , with the consequent situation of insecurity that is generated, and we hope that they can be tackled as soon as possible ..
The Deputy Spokesman of the Popular Group has underlined that we consider that it would be necessary from ADIF to proceed urgently to the revision of the systems that regulate this type of railway mechanisms, since we have verified that at certain moments the barriers come to be lowered more than a quarter of an hour, an interval that takes people who travel with their vehicles through the area to perform imprudent maneuvers, even to turn around and look for other alternative means of communication.
From the Popular Party we request that ADIF send technicians to proceed to adjust the lowering of the barriers, so that they cut the roads concerned the time necessary for the train to pass, avoiding unnecessary delays especially to the neighbors of the area, who are the ones who suffer especially this type of eventualities.
Ángel Meca has stated that "we do not know the reason that this extension of the schedule originated with the lowered barriers, which is causing complaints from neighbors.
In fact we agree with them on the need to adjust the period of the cutting of these roads to the passage of convoys, maintaining and prevailing in any case road safety and people.
Given this situation, we agree with the residents of Tercia that they have to proceed to supervise the mechanism for lowering barriers, since it is evident that something is not working as it should ".
Source: PP Lorca