Irene López Amat, student of the 2nd Bachelor of Research of the IES "Francisco Ros Giner", has been distinguished with a second prize for her work "Evaluation of vitamin D levels in the elderly population of Lorca (Murcia)" in XXXI National Contest of Young Researchers, whose final phase was held during the days 17 to 20 June 2019 in Mollina (Málaga).
The Young Researchers Contest is an initiative of the General Secretariat of Universities and the Institute of Youth, its objective is to promote research in teaching centers that teach prior to university, by awarding various awards for work done by their students.
It also has the outstanding collaboration of the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC), the Polytechnic University of Madrid, the University of Malaga, the Royal Spanish Society of Physics, the Scientific Information Society of Spain, the Conference of Directors and Deans of Computer Engineering, the European Council for Nuclear Research and the ONCE Foundation.
It is a contest of national scope to which this year 312 works have been presented, of which 40 have been selected for the final phase.
In this phase, Irene López Amat defended with great solvency and scientific rigor her work before a prestigious jury whose president was Mrs. Dª.
Susana Alemany de la Peña (Higher Council for Scientific Research, Madrid), and was awarded a second prize in the area of ​​"Earth and Life Sciences".
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca