The Councilor of IU-V, Pedro Sosa, has highlighted this morning the proposal of his political group about the use that should be given to the site of the former Police Station located in one of the corners of the central Plaza de San Vicente de Lorca
IU-V maintains that theirs is an initiative that overcomes the two proposals that the PSOE faces around this lot, now in the local government, with the PP of Lorca.
Sosa affirms that we are facing the first opportunity to highlight the true reality of the interest that the historic center of Lorca caused during the last electoral campaign and that ended up being one of the star elements of the political agenda of the last year until the electoral call For that it is necessary to flee from the simplismo of the two proposals of the majority parties, affirms Sosa, to go beyond their pretensions and to consider that this lot is a window of opportunity that would make possible to tackle two vital questions for Lorca: the construction and placing on the Lorca market of "young housing", which could eventually be publicly promoted, and the recovery of relevant elements of Lorca's historical and cultural heritage, specifically the Casa de Los Guevara, a 17th-century building, currently in almost ruinous state, which is cataloged and protected, which presents elements declared of Interest Cultu
ral (BIC) and others of high historical and cultural interest such as the interior paintings, the plasterwork and the tower that crowns the building.
A historic and emblazoned house that is also included in the Master Plan for the Cultural Heritage of Lorca and that could be a beneficiary of a grant of 400,000 euros that Plan planned to implement in the years 2013 and 2014.
Sosa affirms that both the floor of the old police station and the floor of the House of Los Guevara have practically the same cadastral value, well above 400,000 euros, but that the possible promotion of young housing, added to the cultural subsidy, could be profitable enough to undertake the acquisition, restoration and enhancement of the House of Los Guevara.
IU-V states that this restored building could become a multi-purpose building, with youth resources and municipal facilities, and regenerate and energize an entire central area of ​​our historic area.
Source: IU-verdes Lorca