• It is an initiative that includes the most demanding and rigorous technical regulation of the European Union, endorsed by an Independent Scientific Committee, and promoted in our municipality by Adespolorca, which includes more than 800 professionals, and Interporc.
The spokesman of the Municipal People's Group in the City of Lorca, Fulgencio Gil, highlighted this morning the social commitment and conciliation that farmers in the pig sector maintain with our municipality, and whose most recent example is the progressive implementation of the new seal of Certified Animal Welfare (IAWS).
We are talking about an initiative promoted by the Lorca breeders integrated in Adespolorca, and promoted by Interporc Spain, the Interprofessional Organization of the Layer Porcine Agroalimentaria (INTERPORC), a non-profit organization in which all the sectors of the chain are represented. of value of the white coat porcine: production, transformation and commercialization.
It is the most important interprofessional organization in the meat sector due to the volume of pork production in our country.
Fulgencio Gil congratulated Adespolorca for this new boost of quality in the sector, and said that Lorca farmers have developed a wide range of improvement actions on their farms, as well as all the steps related to breeding and making available from pork to consumers.
We are talking about the main socioeconomic engine of our region, a historical factor of progress also for the generation of employment, which allows us all to have products of the highest quality, healthy and produced in our own municipality.
The spokesman of the Municipal People's Group has stressed that "here we live on this", and this new seal that is to be implanted in Lorca farms constitutes the most demanding Animal Welfare and Biosafety Technical Regulation of the European Union, and is endorsed by a Independent Scientific Committee.
To obtain it, compliance with the Animal Welfare and Biosafety Technical Regulations, developed by the porcine sector itself, which is the most demanding of the European Union and will position Spain as a reference in animal welfare and biosecurity requirements, is required.
Its objective is to endorse the good practices carried out in our pig sector in animal welfare and biosecurity.
This regulation has been made in collaboration with companies in the sector, certification, administration, scientists and experts in animal welfare, and is also endorsed by an independent Scientific Committee and has been presented to the large distribution and organizations of protection and defense of animals.
The seal ensures compliance with the five principles of animal welfare established by the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE): animals free of hunger, thirst and malnutrition;
free of fear and anguish;
free from physical or thermal discomforts;
free of pain, injury or illness;
and free to express their own patterns of behavior.
Likewise, these principles must be met in the 8 control areas established in the IAWS Regulation: feeding, cleaning-disinfection, housing, health, behavior, management, control of farms and animals and control in the slaughterhouse, and in all phases of the productive process from gestation and breeding, fattening, transport, slaughter and manufacture.
With this initiative Lorca breeders ratify their strong commitment to strengthen food safety and ensure an adequate status of welfare and health, as to obtain this seal have to be met, in addition to community regulations, a series of requirements that represent an additional in matters related to biosecurity and food safety.
To obtain the seal, audits are included in the livestock facilities, in the loading, transport and unloading operations, and in the meat companies that process and elaborate products for final commercialization.
Source: PP Lorca