Among the actions to be carried out is the installation of public lighting networks and rainwater collection;
the rehabilitation of the firm, the walls and railings or the placement of street furniture.
The Mayor of Lorca, Diego José Mateos, together with the Councilor of the Historic District, María Ángeles Mazuecos, visited this morning the surroundings of the Church of San Pedro to announce the next start of the improvement works of the square located next to this temple.
Mateos has informed that "the City Council of Lorca has approved the contracting file for the execution of the paving and improvement works of the Plaza de la Coronela, a very complete project that will value the surroundings of the Church of San Pedro in which has carried out a comprehensive rehabilitation to achieve, thus, the recovery of the monuments par excellence of our town. "
The Mayor detailed that "in particular, the action includes the installation of public lighting and rainwater collection networks; the burial of low voltage and telecommunications pipelines; the rehabilitation of pavements, pavements, walls and railings, as well as the implementation of street furniture ".
An action that, explained the First Edil, "has an execution period of three months and a total budget of 230,000 euros that will be funded by the Ministry of Presidency and Development of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia, through the collaboration agreement signed for the execution of works and performances in the neighborhoods affected by the 2011 earthquakes ".
Mateos Molina has highlighted "the importance of collaboration between administrations" and has asked "to maintain the good relationship that the regional government has had with the local to continue working hand in hand with the growth and empowerment of Lorca to all the levels".
For its part, the Councilor of the Historic District, has announced that "the objective of this Government Team is to create a new route through the temples of the old town. An initiative that aims to boost the tourist offer in an abandoned historic area of ​​Lorca" .
María Ángeles Mazuecos detailed that "for this, we will carry out an ambitious commitment to the multitude of temples that we are lucky to tell: the former Collegiate Church of San Patricio, headquarters of the Archicofradía de Jesús Resucitado; the Church of Santa María, headquarters of the San Clemente Federation and future Ciufront Museum; the hermitage of San Roque, Museo del Belén and headquarters of the Belenista Association of Lorca and, now, the San Pedro Church to work on providing it with exhibition content. "
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca