The activity "Fun-T in Summer", which has been developed in the facilities of the San Cristóbal Public School, and which has included dining and recreational workshops, concludes with a show by the magician Pedro Lucas.
The Mayor of Lorca, Diego José Mateos, and the Councilor for Education, Antonia Pérez, have attended the magic show by the young lorquino Pedro Lucas organized in the summer school and social integration for disadvantaged families launched by the Municipal Consistory .
Mateos explained that "the activity 'Fun-T in summer' has been a demonstration of the firm commitment of this Government Team for social integration for disadvantaged families in Lorca. A summer school, which has hosted the facilities of the San Cristóbal Public School , which was launched on Monday, July 29 and ending on Friday, September 6 ".
The Mayor has detailed that "today we attend a small party organized on the occasion of the closure of this school, a project carried out with the objective of creating a playful place with educational activities that have sought integration and social equality , as well as a healthy and creative use of free time during the holiday period of children.
Mateos Molina wanted to thank "the altruistic collaboration of many Lorca as it happens today with Pedro Lucas with which we can enjoy a fantastic magic show or with the members of the Lorca Rugby Club that, through the project 'Seed of Values' also they wanted to put their grain of sand in this integrative initiative whose main tool has been the game. "
The First Edil detailed that "during this summer school, which has worked from Monday to Friday from 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., children have been able to enjoy sports activities, body expression workshops, group dynamization and integration social in addition to cooperative games and school canteen, a service that has been in charge of the same catering that it does during the school year in this educational center. "
For its part, the Councilor for Education has explained that "about twenty students have been the beneficiaries of this project. A selection made from the City Council through direct contact with associations and NGOs such as Red Cross, Cepaim or Caritas."
Mateos recalled that "these activities, which include dining room, are a priority for the new Government Team. A project for which its implementation needs prior planning that did not exist before our arrival and that with much work and effort We have finally been able to carry out and guarantee, thus, at least one decent daily meal, which in many cases is the main support that families can give their children "and has guaranteed that" we will continue working towards an issue that we have always considered irrevocable, which we have claimed for years, measures of a social nature that will be underway while the socialist party rules because no one can doubt our commitment to this issue. "
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca