Pedro Sosa, Councilor spokesman for Izquierda Unida Verdes in the municipality of Lorca, has asked the PSOE this morning to carry out the audit of the reconstruction works after the earthquakes of 2011 in charge of the EIB loan, which both from its municipal group and from the PSOE was asking the PP in the previous corporate period.
Sosa recalled that while he governed the PP, part of the money from the EIB loan for Lorca went to works in other municipalities in the Region, such as Mazarrón or Águilas, so to clarify what the money was spent and to know in what state Find the works that remain to be done, some of them still to be tendered, it is essential to carry out this audit.
"We want clarity," said Sosa, so IU wants to know what efforts are being made by the new Councilor for Works, Mr. Casalduero and the Mayor, so that the regional government of the PP gives the details of what has been executed and what remains to be done before the extension for the use of this loan ends in December 2020.
Sosa has cited many of the pending works or that are being carried out without due speed, such as the remodeling of Europa Avenue, Santa Clara Avenue, Miguel Angel, Gerónimo Santa Fé, the surroundings of the Manterola Footbridge or the great promise that the Popular Party left in a set of rubble, the road of the High Neighborhoods.
In reference to the rehabilitation of the Historic District, Sosa has deeply regretted that nothing has been done yet.
"Despite all the claims that the PSOE made while it was in the opposition, our center is still falling apart and for example we still do not know what will happen to the Palace of Justice."
For all these reasons, IU will ask in the next Plenary in which state the pending works are and what steps are being carried out together with the Regional Ministry of Development to carry them out.
Source: IU-verdes Lorca