Pedro Sosa, spokesman councilor of Izquierda Unida Verdes in the town hall of Lorca, has denounced the calamitous state in which the children's classroom of the CEIP of Almendricos is located to which the schoolchildren of this district have to go daily and has demanded to the competent bodies their urgent fix.
Sosa, together with his training partner, Gloria Martín, visited the educational center yesterday and was able to see first hand the multiple deficiencies that the classrooms of the children's part present, with broken slabs, flaked doors, walls plagued with dampness, toilets subject with insulating tape, absence of central heating in classes and to top it off, uralite ceilings (presence of asbestos).
"It is deplorable that there are still more educational centers of the series Tell Me and that fateful Franco period that of the 21st century," said the mayor.
Sosa criticizes that the regional government, with Lorca Perez Miras at the head, has squandered the regional coffers in meaningless works such as airports and auditoriums, while leaving aside investments in the most essential matters for citizenship, health and education .
"That three-year-old boys and girls have to travel 500 meters every day from the children's classroom to their reference school is infamous," he stressed.
He has also recriminated the former Councilor for Education of the PP, Francisco Montiel, who during the time he was in charge of that responsibility did not insist insistently before his regional superiors a new classroom for children of Infantil in Almendricos.
"How many councilors of the City Council would take their children to a center in these conditions?" Sosa has asked.
The new mayor of the PSOE, Antonia Segura, has warned that if you do not want to remain as ineffective as your predecessor, visit all the educational institutions of the municipality and claim "with tooth nails if necessary", all the improvements that are necessary for The good of our schoolchildren.
"Of course you cannot say that the school year has started normally in Lorca when there are facilities under these conditions," he said.
Finally, Sosa has demanded other pending improvements that Almendricos residents have been demanding for some time, such as the arrangement of the access road to the village, which has been quartered, the placement of sidewalks on it at the entrance to the town, the replacement of the defeated quitamiedos that can be found in some points or the improvement of access to the town below the railroad track.
Source: IU-verdes Lorca