Mayte Martínez: "We believe that it is a measure that will generate an extraordinary social benefit, with a direct impact for the users of the aforementioned entities, who remain waiting for the transfer of the floors to be completed"
The Councilor of Oenegés in the City of Lorca for the Popular Party, Mayte Martínez, has asked the current municipal government to fulfill the commitment reached with the Oenegés Asofem, Down Lorca, Apandis and Asdifilor to have floors in the new Barrio de San Fernando with the objective of expanding the portfolio of services that these organizations provide in our municipality.
What we propose today, in a totally constructive way, is that all the administrative processes necessary to complete the cession of the flats be expedited, since time continues to pass and we all agree that these oenegés can develop the activities planned in The shortest possible time.
Mayte Martínez said that we are talking about an opportunity to give life and solidarity to a new neighborhood, a symbol of the enormous work that the Lorca have developed to re-raise our city after the earthquakes of 2011. We consider that it is a measure which will generate an extraordinary social benefit, with a direct impact for the users of the aforementioned entities, who remain waiting for the transfer of the floors to proceed, almost immediately, to the implementation of the care They are going to lend on the floors.
From the Popular Party they have explained that these Lorca machines have even already applied for a series of grants to different public administrations with the aim of equipping these sheltered apartments.
We are talking about resources for whose achievement they have been working intensively for a long time, and that we cannot allow, when the time has come and obtained the relevant subsidy, to lose those economic resources because the procedures for the transfer of the floors have not been carried out.
It should be noted that these floors were even adapted on site to adapt to the specific needs of these oenegés, especially regarding accessibility measures and specifications contained in the new Technical Building Code to fulfill the function of protected floors.
Martínez Sánchez has informed that these supervised apartments will contribute effectively to the integration into the society of the users of these groups.
We must remember that the City Council has a total of 59 homes in total, of which there is a municipal commitment to assign 1 floor to Down Lorca and Adisfilor and 2 to the Apandis and Asofem associations.
Mayte Martínez has indicated that the uniqueness of this neighborhood is accentuated considering that it was precisely built in the 70s as social housing to accommodate Lorca who were affected by the severe flooding of 1973
Source: PP Lorca