Pedro Sosa, Councilor spokesman for Izquierda Unida Verdes in the town hall of Lorca, announced this morning that he will ask again in plenary session why the agreement adopted by all municipal groups has not yet been launched two years ago, which would save the municipal coffers a large amount of money in their electricity expenditure;
more than half a million euros in the last two years.
In 2017 IU submitted a motion to study the feasibility of contracting the electricity supply through the contracting center of the Federation of Municipalities, as they did more than 100 Spanish locations, with savings of over 8%, which in the case of Lorca would mean at least a decrease of about 300,000 euros per year.
In that plenary session it was finally agreed "to initiate the file of adhesion to the Central Contracting of the FEMP, being used in its case, for all those contracts that are understood to generate economic and procedural profitability for this City Council".
Although in 2018 IU became interested in this issue by asking the local government for the efforts made, the truth is that, after all this time, and today, neither popular, nor socialist, have been concerned with carrying out this agreement, hurting the interests of all Lorca, as if we did not pay enough for the revolving doors with the large electric nationwide.
For this reason, Sosa criticizes the current government team that is considering a general tax increase to all "curritos", which are going to oppose their training frontally, to tackle the municipal debt, while large companies, in this Iberdrola case, they continue to benefit.
Therefore, in the plenary session of next Monday corresponding to the month of September, IU will ask the following question: "On what date did the City Council of Lorca adhere to the Central Contracting of the FEMP, what reasons exist - and who would be responsible of this - so that the electricity supply has not yet been contracted through it. "
Source: IU-verdes Lorca