Pedro Sosa has expressed his surprise that the Mayor, Diego José Mateos (PSOE) has folded again to the "whims" of his "vice mayor" who needs a "retinue" of people to do the work he should do and for which charges as a councilman released although he only appears to pose in photos
The spokesman of the United Left-Greens in the City of Lorca, Pedro Sosa, has responded to the accusations made by the Councilor for Public Companies of the City of Lorca, Francisco Morales (Cs), who regretted this morning that the opposition voted " against the election of the new CEO and the Manager of the company LIMUSA, despite having the support of the workers ".
Sosa has pointed out that the workers' representatives on the LIMUSA Board of Directors have also voted against the proposal made by the municipal government team of PSOE and Cs to appoint a new manager.
In that sense, the councilor of IU-Verdes has expressed his surprise that the Mayor, Diego José Mateos (PSOE) has folded again to the "whims" of Morales "who needs a retinue of people to do the work he should do and for the one who charges as a councilman released even though he only appears to pose in photos. "
Pedro Sosa recalled that during the last corporate mandate all municipal groups agreed that the management of LIMUSA would be entrusted to its CEO, a formula that has been proven "effective" and that saves the municipal coffers a salary of 75,000 euros per year.
"LIMUSA does not need a manager and we are not going to consent to Morales using this City Council to place relatives or friends under the public purse," he said.
Sosa has warned the Mayor of Lorca of the "huge electoral cost" that he will have to bear if he does not "short-tie" Morales, who is proving to be "a bottomless pit."
In this regard, the spokesman for IU-Greens has lamented that in order to "have him happy," Mateos submits to the "impositions" and "cravings" of his "vice mayor," who has already forgotten his electoral promises to end with the "plug-in" and the "waste".
Regarding the negative vote of IU-Verdes that has prevented Morales from becoming CEO of LIMUSA, Sosa has said that "we are not going to give our trust to someone who barely steps on the company, who has entered a knife questioning achievements social benefits for the workers, and that he proved not to be able to face his responsibilities in the middle of the crisis due to the torrential rains suffered in Lorca last month ".
"Someone who is not when he is most needed and who is unable to offer explanations for his absence, probably because what he did is unjustifiable, does not deserve to have in his hands the direction of one of the most important public companies in Lorca."
For this reason, Pedro Sosa has urged Diego José Mateos to propose for that position a councilor of his municipal group "responsible, serious and capable of work and commitment" if he wants to count on the vote of IU.
Source: IU-verdes Lorca