This morning was held on the CD Felipe VI, and within the activities of the Guadalentín Sports Games, the School Room Soccer Tournament. In the competition the teams of the schools, San Cristóbal, José Robles, Alfonso X, participated and City of the Sun
The matches have been played at a single time of 12 minutes, with 3 minutes between matches, it has been done in the 'league' phase where everyone has played with everyone.
In this tournament no match has been held for 3rd and 4th place, so the two losing teams of the third semifinals "ex aequo" have been considered, taking both bronze medals.
The winning teams have been: First for Ciudad del Sol, second for Alfonso X, with the team (B), and third Alfonso X with the team (A) and also third, San Cristóbal.
CEIP José Robles has participated with mixed teams, in support of women's football, according to those responsible has been a very pleasant day, in which everyone has had a great time.
They have also felt very happy with this type of tournaments that promotes diversity and coexistence among the children of the different schools of Lorca.
Source: Juegos deportivos del Guadalentín