Portal de Lorca


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detail of Lorca


The PP denounces that local taxes of PSOE, Citizens and IU marginalize the districts of the garden (29/10/2019)

Industry, commerce and tourism remain without any incentive, and the local government prefers to keep the 2.2 million that it had of margin to have lowered taxes.

Instead of helping Lorca, they put their hands in their pockets

The Councilor for Economy and Finance in the City of Lorca by the Popular Party, Juan Francisco Martínez, said that "Lorca has lost a historic opportunity to have lowered taxes to Lorca. The reality is that they had 2.2 million margin , an amount more than enough to lower the IBI by 10%, and prefer to keep the tax money.And in 2020 we will pay 100% of the IBI again, thanks to the fact that the current local government has knelt before its bosses party and we have lost the bonus.This is the best example of the laziness and resignation they have brought to the City Council.

Martínez Carrasco has indicated that because of the taxes of PSOE, IU and Citizens we all lose.

There is not a single productive sector or a group that is not harmed.

Thus, the families of districts that are paying urban IBI for rural land, are left without the requested bonus, while they cut the IBI bonus for new business initiatives, which had to reach 50% and is only 30.

The councilor of the PP has explained that one of the most harmful effects of taxes that PSOE, C´se IU is that they discriminate against the taxation of Lorca, that is, it depends on the district in which you live, you will pay more or less.

That is a real nonsense.

He had never looked anything like it.

In this way the Lorca of Campillo, Cazalla, Hinojar, La Hoya, Marchena, Parrilla, Rio, Pulgara, Purias, Tercia, Tiata and Torrecilla, are now less Lorca than those of other places, and are punished for living precisely in those districts.

It is a nonsense that had never been seen.

It depends on where you live, you are more or less Lorca.

It is a shameful imbalance.

As if that were not enough, the municipal taxes of PSOE, Citizens and IU for 2020 hit the productive sectors.

There is not a single incentive for the industrial sector, or for tourism, or for trade or hospitality.

In addition, in the case of farmers, who are suffering from an unpredictable campaign, disqualifications and unprecedented attacks.

Instead of providing support to those who generate wealth and jobs, they are punished by raising ICIO by 30%, penalizing any reform, expansion or new construction.

It is evident that PSOE and C´s have surrendered to anti-livestock fundamentalism to attack this fundamental sector in the economy of the municipality.

Who is going to risk undertaking an economic activity in Lorca if they are being penalized for it?

Is this how you plan to fight depopulation?

This way they will accelerate it, and in what way.

It is a suicidal measure, which has greatly bothered the livestock sector, and we share your outrage over this matter.

It will be curious to see how in a few days some want to establish themselves as defenders of livestock in Sepor, when in practice they are punishing them.

The taxes of PSOE, IU and Citizens also penalize the merchants of the Center and the Historic District, who are marginalized and are left without any tax bonus for the installation of terraces on public roads

"Paper" of Citizens

The best thing about these ordinances is that they put everyone in their place.

The current mayor made it clear: "we are a leftist government", something that the Councilor for Citizens, Paco Morales, said without problem, confirming that this political formation in Lorca is nothing more than an appendix of the PSOE.

We already said that he cheated his voters, and yesterday he proved it again.

His intervention was very illustrative: he did not say a single word.

The only thing we really save ourselves with these tax ordinances are the words of the Councilor for Citizens, a party that in Lorca is ruling with socialists and communists, despite the fact that in the election campaign they promised otherwise.

Source: PP Lorca

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