Fulgencio Gil calls it "authentic tease"
The Spokesman of the Popular Group in the City of Lorca, Fulgencio Gil, has denounced that the conditions imposed by the Pedro Sánchez PSOE to grant public aid to Lorca affected by heavy rains, wind and hail that shook our municipality last September leaves practically all the victims without any public help from the socialist government.
Fulgencio Gil has explained that the criteria established by the central government in the Royal Decree Law leaves without official aid to garages, second homes and families that have an income of more than 13,500 euros per year.
That is, those affected remain in practical terms without a single euro of public aid.
Under these parameters imposed by the PSOE, who will receive these grants?
From the PP we want to spread our surprise and outrage, because instead of a reasonable decree, we find an irresponsible and crazy "stingy", because precisely this type of construction was the one that registered the main damages.
We, from our work in the City Council, were touring the area and the affected neighbors while other people in charge of the current local government were "partying" outside Lorca.
Once the content and restrictions imposed by the Decree of the PSOE, Fulgencio Gil, have been asked, what was the tease this is?
The Lorca are suffering a constant tease.
At this rate one morning we will get up and be all bald.
What was needed here was a forceful and reasonable decree, not a removable document written half an hour before the Council of Ministers.
Now we can understand why they have not done anything to carry out the IBI bonus…
Fulgencio Gil has explained that we are from the first moment with the victims, and we demand at the time that the municipality be declared a catastrophic zone to cover the families that have been affected.
We demand that an Extraordinary and Monographic Plenary be held, in addition to claiming the declaration of the channeling project of the Rambla de Viznaga as "priority and urgent action" by the Government of Spain, a measure that reflects the request of the neighbors.
And we also demand that the victims be exempt from paying the IBI, a measure that has to be assumed by the central government.
Problems with the consortium and insurance companies
From the PP we demand in September the government of Spain to instruct the Insurance Compensation Consortium to be flexible, comprehensive and sensitive to the situation suffered by the victims, in order to avoid problems similar to those we have experienced previously and that they should not be repeated, with special mention to the wording of the relevant damage appraisals.
Another issue that has not been addressed.
All this without counting the serious problems that have already transmitted to us dozens of families affected by the effects of the storm with the appraisals and valuations that they are receiving from the Consortium of Insurance Compensation, also under the Ministry of Economy and Business managed by the PSOE , as with the expertise of numerous private insurance companies.
Those affected claim, mainly, that the valuations of the damages are being well below the real damages caused by the DANA, causing defenselessness and a tense uncertainty that demands the direct intervention of the public administrations.
Source: PP Lorca