The popular request that the members of the Social Council of the City be renewed, and to convene the semiannual meeting that had already been held, but still stands still without having transcended the reasons
The Councilor for Citizen Participation by the Popular Party in the City of Lorca, María de las Huertas García, has requested that, given the decision of the current mayor that the Neighborhood and District Boards start operating on January 1, 2020, the Municipal Consistory has to establish a budget allocation reserved and committed for this purpose, and quantified in 4% of the total municipal budget for next year, with the objective that these entities can carry out their decentralization work and Neighborhood representation in the necessary conditions.
We are talking about an amount that would be around 3.3 million euros, a starting point that allows citizens who make up the above-mentioned Boards to have financial resources to respond to the task entrusted to them.
It would be a serious mistake to try to generate these Boards now as empty entities, lacking real capacity to participate, by leaving them without the minimum economic resources for their operation.
From the PP it has been requested, within the line of work that is being developed in the participation policies, to proceed as soon as possible, and in any case in a period less than 3 months, to renew the composition of the Board Social of the City, as well as to convene the meeting corresponding to the past semester, which has not yet been held without having transcended the reasons that have prevented it.
Mari Huertas García has also demanded that the report that is derived from the work developed by the Special Commission Suggestions and Claims be published, as established in the approved regulation to guarantee its proper functioning.
The deadlines established in that text indicate that he should have seen the light already, but, as with the renewal of the Social Council, he remains unemployed.
These issues will be raised to the plenary next Monday through a motion on the matter.
The councilor of the PP has stressed the need for the development of the Regulation of Citizen Participation, already approved by the City Council, is carried out in a serious and rigorous way, since it is a valuable resource to provide citizens with policies in that sense.
With the Regulation, a legal framework is built appropriate to the objectives pursued.
It is about developing new ways of organizing citizenship and government structures so that there is feedback among all the actors, with the consequent enrichment and adjustment in the renewal of public policies.
We are talking about establishing a wide range of forms and organs of participation that allow all those citizens who wish to have opportunities to participate.
At the same time, the Regulation is committed to promoting both the individual participation of neighbors and through citizen entities, as well as promoting access to participation as broadly and equally as possible by making an effort to reach citizens and entities Less receptive to participation.
It should be remembered that in the Ordinary Session Held on April 14, 2011, the Plenary Session of the City Council initially approved the Organic Participation Regulations.
The document is based on the principle of citizen participation in public affairs, as established in the European Charter for Local Autonomy and in the Constitution of 1978. In its elaboration, the new regulation was taken into account as regards citizen participation establishes Law 7/1985, of April 2, Regulating the Bases of the Local Regime, in the wording given by the Law of Modernization Measures of the Local Government.
Its wording also took into account the recommendations that the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe has made regarding citizen participation in large European cities.
In this way, the classic participation mechanisms were combined through stable, permanent bodies with defined functions and, on the other, more informal, direct and flexible participatory processes and tactics were arbitrated, incorporating rapid techniques typical of new technologies. at the service of communication and participation.
Likewise, the regulations and regulations for citizen participation of those local governments, whether national or international, that have incorporated the most innovative practices have been consulted.
The guidelines and criteria that the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces have been maintaining in citizen participation have also been included.
We must remember that as a result of the work carried out in this regard, on June 27, 2011, the Official Gazette of the Region of Murcia (BORM) was publishing the final approval of the Organic Regulation of Citizen Participation of the City of Lorca.
In the same way, the Organic Regulation of the Social Council of the City was finally approved, through official publication in the BORM on October 2, 2010, after the proposal endorsed by the Plenary Session of the City Council on July 26 of the same year .
In the same line we proceeded to the definitive approval of the regulation of private use of the public domain space destined to the service of canteens and coffee shops of municipal social premises, with publication date in the BORM of January 10, 2018, after passing through the Plenary session of the City Council on September 26 by the Plenary.
Source: PP Lorca