The Spokesman of the Municipal Municipal Group in the City of Lorca, Fulgencio Gil, has asked the Ministry of Ecological Transition to rectify the planned shipment and grant the amount dictated by the technicians of the Operation Commission of the Tagus-Segura Aqueduct, and has requested the urgent appearance in the Special Water Commission of the Regional Assembly of the Secretary of State for the Environment of the Ministry of Ecological Transition, Hugo Morán, to explain the real reasons that have caused the farmers and ranchers of our Region to remain without a drop of water from the transfer to carry out their work.
The leader of the PP of Lorca has said that the recent decision of the Minister of Ecological Transition, Teresa Ribera, not to send a single drop of water from the Tajo-Segura transfer for the survival of our farmers' plantations constitutes an unprecedented nonsense , unworthy of any public official who must balance the needs among the Spaniards, instead of imposing by personal means, those personal, and deeply wrong, ideas that he decides unipersonally and without any legal, legal or technical basis.
This decision, therefore, is nothing more than the consequence of the whim that has been shown to eliminate the Tajo-Segura and erase our agriculture at a stroke.
Once this attack on the farmers was perpetrated, the minister did not even have any qualms about inventing that an alleged opinion of the State Council supported another decision of her grave consequences against our Region, such as the non-approval of the Drying Extension Decree, something that It has not taken long to reveal itself as false.
The minister has recognized that the reason for her refusal to send water does not have to do with any breakage, but from now on an unprecedented criterion will be used: only water resources will be transferred to Murcia, Alicante Almería when the minister considers that "there is need".
He doesn't care what technicians, farmers or common sense can say.
From now on everything will depend on the personal decision of an anti -vasist minister.
We must remember the words that he launched as a warning to navigators in the first interview he granted on July 1, 2018: "For many years we have had before us the myth of the water deficit, when in reality there are no deficit or surplus basins, because each basin it has its own (...) "It may be that at some point extraordinary support is needed, but you have to size things and not become the rule: the extraordinary can not become ordinary, that all we have to do it every month or every year. "
In mid-November, and questions from the parliamentary group of Podemos, Teresa Ribera continued with her threats to the Transfer, ensuring that it is an "irresponsible" infrastructure.
Moreover, in his parliamentary response Ribera announced by the end of this year a draft Law on Ecological Transition, which would definitively end the water transfers from the Tagus to Segura.
All the voices authorized within the primary sector of our Region agreed that the decision to appoint a recognized anti-embassy leader of the Ministry of Ecological Transition was a terrible news for our land.
And of those dusts, these muds: as soon as the elections have passed, and he has left behind the risk of losing votes, he has let his true "I" appear, leaving the irrigators without water, and this despite the initial ruling of the technicians through the Technical Commission of Operation of the Aqueduct proposed a shipment of 14.7 hm3, distributed for agricultural use and human supply (7.5 hm3).
This technical opinion is based on the situation as of November 1 of the reservoir header reservoirs, which in the opinion of the commission allows this volume of water transfer.
Depending on what is included in the Memorandum of the Tajo-Segura transfer, the conditions of the head of the same mark a Level 3, which implies that the final transfer action and its volume falls directly on the political decision of the head of the Ministry for the Ecological Transition.
This political decision has determined on this occasion the limitation of the transfer to urban supply, although the recommendation of the technicians of the operation commission of the aqueduct pointed otherwise.
The statement issued by the Ministry for the Ecological Transition even echoed the technical recommendation to transfer 14.7 cubic hectometers, but the political interest of the Socialist Minister has prevailed: penalize Murcia.
As of November 1, 2019, the volume embalmed in Entrepeñas and Buendía was 456.8 hm3, leaving an authorized volume pending transfer of 19.2 hm3, resulting in an effective reservoir volume of 437.6 hm3, less than the reference of 609 hm3 corresponding to the month of November.
Therefore, it was found that the system was in the exceptional hydrological situation or level 3, which began in May.
The decision of the socialist minister is unheard of (as described by the President of the Central Union of Irrigators of the Tajo-Segura Aqueduct, Lucas Jiménez), and even involves a statement of punishment and penalty against Murcia, but we must recognize that no it falls into a contradiction, just the opposite, it ratifies the negative forecasts that have always surrounded it and already lets us see what the PSOE really wants: to end the Tagus-Segura, and condemn the Murcian farmers.
Source: PP Lorca