Carmen Menduiña García, spokesman for the Vox Lorca Municipal Group, expresses her rejection of the actions of the Minister for the Ecological Transition in operation, Teresa Ribera.
The Ministry for Ecological Transition, has made the decision, again this month, to close the transfer for irrigation, making the situation of the Mar Menor as an excuse, despite the fact that the rechargeable area of ​​the Segura Basin Transfer is much larger .
The Irrigation Community qualifies it as "intolerable", the Vox Lorca Municipal Group adds, no doubt to its protest.
They want to know, where the politicians were when this serious situation began that has been going on decades ago and that has led us to an unprecedented problem, the way of life of the farmers in the Spanish Levante.
Consider this measure as a "puncture", the result of past elections where Vox, obtained an obvious success, as has happened in Andalusia where economic strangulation with the intervention of its financial resources, leads them to think that these measures are no more that a severe sanction, which in the case of Murcia, plays with the economic support and food engine in Europe.
The water law is public, but the state administers it completely politicizing its distribution.
Technical measures are needed where the welfare of the Mar Menor can be combined with agriculture and livestock, economic support of our Municipality.
Vox, supports Spanish irrigators and we are convinced that solutions can be found that keep the agricultural sector and the well-being of our Mar Menor ecosystem at full capacity.
Source: Vox Lorca