The Autonomous Community and the City of Lorca agree to work together to achieve the extension of the period of reconstruction of homes in the municipality, so that families affected by the earthquake can complete the works.
They also request a simplification of the justification for the aid granted to the victims of the 2011 earthquake.
This was agreed today by the Minister of Development and Infrastructure, José Ramón Díez de Revenga, and the mayor of Lorca, Diego José Mateos, during a work meeting in which they agreed to "join forces because we defend the same interests: help those who suffered the damage of the earthquakes. "
"The solution is mostly in the hands of the State," said the Minister, who recalled that both institutions have held meetings with different representatives of the Government of Spain to request the modification of the royal decree law that allows the extension of reconstruction period.
Díez de Revenga stressed that "we have the same objective, so we will jointly defend a social demand in Lorca, to ensure that 400 families can finish the works in their homes without having to return the public subsidies received."
The head of Public Works explained that the modification of these regulations must also include "obligatorily" the simplification of the process of justification of the aid received by the victims, because it is an "unjustifiable administrative labyrinth in case of catastrophes".
In this regard, he said that "the processing should be identical to that made by the Insurance Compensation Consortium, assess the damage, help is paid and the file is resolved without further ado."
Source: CARM