José Luis Ruiz Guillén has detailed that "this contract is valid for two years, so before it ends we will begin to study the benefits of joining the Contracting Center of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces"
The City Councilor of the City of Lorca, José Luis Ruiz Guillén, wanted to clarify to the spokesman of the municipal group Izquierda Unida Verdes that "the award of the electricity supply has not been a decision of this Government Team since the file was initiated by the previous corporation and, after carrying out all the necessary procedures, it is now executed ".
The Edil has insisted that "the award has not been an election of the current Government Team" and has detailed that "this contract is valid for two years, so before it ends we will begin to study the benefits of joining the Central of Contracting of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP) ".
José Luis Ruiz Guillén recalled that "the adhesion to this body is not mandatory but we will take it into account so that if it represents a saving it can be implemented once this contract expires or, conversely, if the previous study carried out does not show benefits for the citizens of Lorca, municipal management could also be maintained ".
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca