The sanitation infrastructure improvement project for the disseminated population of the Huerta de Lorca, in charge of the Autonomous Community and with an amount of just over 2 million euros, will go one step further with the immediate conclusion of the works of the South collector, who visited today the General Director of Water, Sebastián Delgado.
With the construction of this collector, a wide area of ​​disseminated orchard in the south of the city of Lorca will be provided with sanitation and rainwater collection, which will be completed in the future with the complete layout of more than 9.5 kilometers, until connecting the Saprelorca estate with the collector of the Rambla de Biznaga, which will conduct the water to the Pumping Station of the same name.
The final destination point will be the Water Treatment Station of the municipality of Lorca.
The works that now come to an end consist of the construction of a 2,464 meter collector and will be executed with 1,200 mm diameter corrugated PVC pipe under the RM-11 autonomous highway (Lorca-Águilas), including log wells, arches , service crossings and necessary repositions.
Source: CARM