| And reduces to two water bills the water bonus for the hospitality industry | The PP considers "disappointing and frustrating" the result of the monographic plenary session, in which families are left without any kind of help, and a stunted system of "alms" is imposed, which will be taxed to the Treasury and for which the beneficiaries will have to pay• The popular ones obtain the unanimous support of the Plenary to be able to implement a reduced industrial water rate and to rebate 95% of the rate of issuing administrative documents for the self-employed, hoteliers and merchants.The spokesman of the Popular Party in the City of Lorca, Fulgencio Gil, has described as "deeply disappointing" the result of the monographic plenary that we have held this morning at the City Council to address the measures that families and the productive fabric of Lorca need to do in the face of the serious crisis associated with COVID-19.
Both personally and politically I wish I could say something else, but today has been "frustrating and sterile", and some have focused on "rinsing" the management of the Pedro Sánchez government instead of helping Lorca.
It has not met expectations at all.Lorca society, both families and entrepreneurs, self-employed, SMEs and entrepreneurs in general, were waiting for the City Council to launch a life preserver, but they have been turned away.
It does not respond to what the citizens and the collectives of the productive fabric are demanding (self-employed, hoteliers, merchants, businessmen, SMEs, NGOs ...) Since the PP, we requested almost two months ago that economic measures be put in place by the City Council, and after so long, after having forced the celebration of this extraordinary plenary session, the only possible conclusion is that what is approved by the current local government is not, much less, what the people of Lorca need.Fulgencio Gil has reported that the stubbornness of the current local government leaves us without bonuses in the IBI and in the IAE, they have neither wanted to discount 75% of the rate to market sellers, nor to extend the coverage of the Social Bonus to the self-employed, hoteliers and shops, and the "car stamp" is not discounted, among other issues.
It is evident that the result of the plenary session is very poor.
That all citizens are clear that we are going to redouble political activity to defend what people really need.It is useless for a hotelier or merchant to be given an "alms" of 300 euros to "subsidize" a quarter of the municipal taxes that he has already had to pay during confinement.
What they have done is make sure they collect municipal taxes, not help people.
In addition, they have had to recognize that 25% of these "municipal tips" will be taken by the Treasury, because they will be taxed as income, so if the amount is already very low, more will be cut.
Thus, between this and the usual advisory procedures, of the supposed 300 euros of aid, only 125 will actually be received.
What, for example, the hoteliers hope is that ERES and ERTES are flexible, not that they come with "alms".No aid system has been established for families, which are the great ones forgotten by the current local government.
We are incredulous that after all that we are suffering, the current local government has not found out what is happening.
They totally ignore the magnitude of the crisis that we are facing and condemn people to a system of "political charity, alms and tips", presenting as alleged "effort", the postponement of the payment of taxes, which means that the self-employed will have you have to pay all your taxes, but later.The tax credits of the LORCA RESPONDE Plan are serious and effective, and would have meant an average aid of over 3,500 euros for merchants, hoteliers, the self-employed and SMEs, with the aim of avoiding the destruction of jobs, which is the cornerstone of any social policy.
Given this, we have found an intransigent local government, rejecting our proposals with unfounded excuses, pulling "excusometers" to defend the indefensible.We have no choice but to point out that the current mayor has lacked any real intention to reach an agreement.
Neither have they wanted to accept the advice of those of us who have experience in managing emergency social situations.
Thus, the intransigence of the local government has prevented us from reaching a joint agreement.
We have done much of our part, even going so far as to withdraw some of our measures and to modify others.
We have yielded to our demands, keeping only those that Lorca society considered inalienable, but they have shown that with the Plenary they only wanted to "save the ballot and turn the page".We will insist again both in the plenary session of the City Council and in the Regional Assembly, Congress of Deputies and Senate of the Kingdom of Spain, so that the measures that the Lorca citizens need are approved, not this failed product.
Source: PP Lorca