It would occupy that large space of land delimited by the Mediterranean Highway that flows into the city at the height of five essential landmarks: the Hermitage of San Lázaro and Calvario, the "Andrés García Soler" Public School, the Quinta itself in the center of all of them, the "Lázaro Soto" Funeral Home and the "Pilar Soubrier" Special Education College. Pedro Sosa, Municipal Spokesperson of Izquierda Unida, will defend in the Municipal Plenary next Monday an ambitious proposal to endow the city of Lorca with a gigantic Botanical Garden.
The center of it would be located in the space that was once occupied by the facilities of the recreational, sports and cultural corner of La Quinta. The last news that we have on that space, Sosa maintains, is an announcement, made public by the Town Planning Councilor of our City Council at the end of last summer, in which it was described that consistent actions had been carried out in "the bricking of the different access to infrastructure, the placement of a padlock on the door and the installation of bollards to prevent passage on the paths located on both sides of the facilities.
" It is evident that these actions do not fulfill, at all, nor the promises regarding the public recovery of that space that, with nuances and some differences, we have carried out over the years various political formations of Lorca, and, even less , the aspirations that the citizens of Lorca have on that corner, especially those of those who reside in the neighborhoods closest to the La Quinta area and its surroundings. Lorca has been for many years without knowing how to give a timely response and proper planning to all that large floor space that delimits the Mediterranean Highway from above and that pours into the city at the height of five essential milestones in whose center we find these facilities.
abandoned of La Quinta. Those milestones, Sosa has pointed out, are the Hermitage of San Lázaro and Calvario, the "Andrés García Soler" Public School, the Quinta itself in the center of all of them, the "Lazaro Soto" Funeral Home and the "Pilar Soubrier" Special Education College " An enormous bag of soil that, perhaps like no other in the city of Lorca, meets the perfect conditions to carry out an ambitious project to create a large Botanical Garden, designed for the population of Lorca, for our recreational needs and for green spaces and also to our own physical, climatic, ecological, edaphological reality, etc., and which, in addition, contains within it an area intended for "desert garden", similar to others that successfully recreate in municipalities with similar bioclimatic characteristics to those of Lorca. In the described area there is a large amount of soil, some occupied by small wooded areas with specimens of a certain size.
Given that the morphology of the place and the constructive typology and network of accesses of the neighborhoods that delimit the city with that in that wide environment: San Lázaro, Calvario, San José, Alfonso X and La Vińa, make the extension of the residential use in these soils, we believe it appropriate that this City Council, removing the obstacles that may exist and making whatever changes are necessary in its urban planning, begin immediately, to order all that space for the achievement of the proposed purpose: the development of a project aimed at creating a BOTANICAL GARDEN, which would not be incompatible with other land uses such as recreational, sports, cultural, etc.,that they could consider, and whose nerve center would be located in the current facilities of La Quinta, and that, starting from it, occupy the space located between the aforementioned landmarks: San Lázaro, Calvario, "Andrés García Soler" Public School, La Quinta , Mortuary and College "Pilar Soubrier" and the Mediterranean highway.
Source: IU-verdes Lorca