At the opening of the rest of weekly markets throughout the municipality, under strict security and hygiene measures, the municipality of Lorca will also allow the installation of sellers of basic necessities in the markets that were not residents of the municipality of Lorca. The councilor for Health, Consumption, Squares and Markets of the City of Lorca, José Ángel Ponce has reported that, starting tomorrow, Monday, May 25, with the approval of Phase 2 of de-climbing in the Region of Murcia, the municipality of Lorca has approved the holding of weekly markets in the rest of the municipality. José Ángel Ponce has indicated that "this decision is adopted following the strict security protocol drawn up by the Lorca City Council to guarantee the recovery of activity within the sector of street vendor markets." Ponce Díaz recalled that "with the main objective of guaranteeing safety, and following the criteria of the health authorities, the City Council decided to only open the Huerto de la Rueda market in Phase 1 and condition the opening of the rest on approval , by the Ministry of Health, of the following phases of de-escalation ". The councilor has detailed that "starting this Monday, May 25, the markets of La Paca, La Parroquia and Almendricos, whose celebration takes place on Mondays, Zarcilla de Ramos, on Tuesday; Coy and Avilés, on Wednesdays, will be recovered.
; Weekly market of the Huerto de la Rueda that takes place on Thursdays and whose opening is authorized from Phase 1; Zarzadilla de Totana, Friday; La Viña (Avenida de la Vendimia), Saturday; and Purias and La Hoya, both owned private and taking place on Sundays. The mayor of Plazas y Mercados recalled that "at the moment this celebration of markets is limited to the sale of basic necessities, following safety, hygiene and interpersonal distance measures.
And a recovery from the celebration of markets that will continue accompanied by a reinforcement of vigilance with the Local Police and Civil Protection that will help in the tasks of supervision and control of the fulfillment of the obligatory measures ". Among these measures, the stalls will be arranged in such a way that a lateral distance of 2.5 meters can be maintained between each other, a distance of 2 meters between vendors of the same stall and users, and 6 meters between rows.
capacity. As for the obligations to be fulfilled by the sellers, the mayor has stressed that "the use of a mask or screen and gloves will be mandatory, for which it will be provided from the City Council; permanently have hydro-alcoholic gel and use it after each service; dispose at each trash can with lid and pedal, individual customer service by vendor, avoid direct handling of products by customers and avoid the use of rings, bracelets or watches.
work, cleaning facilities and materials including freshly prepared bleach solutions will be mandatory, as well as washing clothes in the washing machine, in washing cycles between 60 and 90 degrees, with a minimum duration of 30 minutes.
" Lastly, José Ángel Ponce wanted to thank the vendor sector for the collaboration they have had with the City Council to be able to resume their activity, always complying with the measures established by the health authorities, and of course, that of the neighbors for respecting and comply with the rules for the proper functioning of these weekly markets.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca