The national deputy for the PSOE, Marisol Sánchez, has celebrated this "brave step" of the Pedro Sánchez government in complying with this commitment at a time of special need for thousands of Spanish families who are having a very difficult time with the COVID crisis -19 The national deputy, Marisol Sánchez Jódar, today described as "a historic day for the approval by the government of Pedro Sánchez of the Minimum Vital Income," a commitment to social justice so that the Spanish and Spanish women who suffer the most economically in crisis situations like this, they are not left behind as a step in the previous one in 2008, when the Popular Party preferred to rescue the banks rather than the people.
" Sánchez Jódar has also pointed out that despite the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated its implementation, "it is a permanent measure that underpins the welfare state in our country along with the pillars of Health and Education Public, pensions, unemployment benefit or, most recently, the Dependency Law.
" According to estimates, the new benefit could reach 1,500 beneficiary households, in which more than 3,500 people live in Lorca, with special incidence in those with children.
In fact, 30% would be less.
There will also be a higher incidence among single-parent households, which will account for 16% of the beneficiaries.
Among them, almost 90% are headed by a woman. The Minimum Vital Income starts from a broad typology of households (depending on the number of members and whether they are single-parent) and establishes a different level of guaranteed income for each type of household.
The minimum level, which corresponds to single-person households, is 5,538 euros per year, the equivalent of a non-contributory pension. From this amount, an additional coefficient is established for each member of the household and a benefit for single-parent households, as indicated in the table below. Marisol Sánchez has indicated that the help form can now be downloaded at the following link IMV-1 + CAS + 20200525_editable.pdf? MOD = AJPERES & CVID = and apply from June 15.
The national socialist deputy has encouraged all those Lorca families who may be entitled to this help to request it and offers the help of the Lorquina Socialist Association for all those who need it.
Source: PSOE Lorca