| "thanks to the commitment and agreement capacity of the Government of Spain" | The national deputy for the PSOE recalled that the Pedro Sánchez government has been sensitive to the needs derived from the health crisis, covering more than "2,600 self-employed workers, 10,000 workers and disadvantaged families through social services." The national deputy, Marisol Sánchez Jódar, reported today at a press conference about the impact that the measures being taken by the Government of Spain to alleviate the negative economic and social effects that the COVID-19 pandemic is having in Lorca.
The most recent has been the expansion of aid has been adopted with the agreement of UGT, CCOO, CEOE and Cepyme, "which also shows the consensus capacity of the Pedro Sánchez Executive" and that affects more than 4,000 workers in our city "which are still under the umbrella of the social protection of the Government of Spain". The Royal Decree of June 26 on social measures to reactivate employment and protect self-employment and competitiveness in the industrial sector is a demonstration, according to Sánchez, that "this government has left no one behind", workers at ERTE will be able to collect the ERTE benefit until September 30, and the discontinuous permanent workers, will receive unemployment until December 31.
As a novelty, companies that want to join these ERTES will have a ban on firing for the next 6 months. The national deputy has highlighted that this decree is another important novelty "for the fairs and festivals in this region given that it includes the seasonal self-employed, as is the case of fairgrounds, who are included for the first time in democracy in a decree of this type and that they will have the right to request this benefit and in case it is granted retroactively in June.
" Sánchez has also reported that there are, in total, more than 10,000 Lorca and Lorca employees received some type of social benefit through the SEPE, through unemployment or through an ERTE "for an amount of 8.5 million euros." With regard to the self-employed, there have been 2,639 Lorca residents who have requested the benefit for cessation of activity for a total amount of 1.7 million euros and will maintain the exemption of one hundred percent of the quota in July, of 50 percent in August, and 25 percent in September, and those with a turnover of less than 75 percent, may request a new ordinary benefit. The socialist deputy recalled that the royal decree of June 26 on social measures to reactivate employment and protect self-employment and competitiveness in the industrial sector allows companies that are in ERTE by force majeure to keep them until September 30. SOCIAL SERVICES According to Sánchez Jódar, the municipality of Lorca has received 354,918 euros from the Extraordinary Social Fund to minimize the social impact of the pandemic (reinforcement of social services, financial aid to the family and vulnerable groups, etc.), including more than 200 dining room scholarships which have been financed through the million euros that the Government of Spain allocated to the Region of Murcia for this purpose. Regarding ICO guarantees, with regional data, the Lorca deputy has stated that more than 18,000 operations have been carried out that affect more than 12,000 companies with more than 1,632 million euros. In summary, Sánchez Jódar, has influenced that in total, "adding ERTES, salaried and self-employed, more than 11 million euros have come to Lorca from the Government of Spain to help make the social and economic crisis less harsh and serve as an umbrella to all these groups, contrary to what happened in the previous crisis of 2011, when the workers suffered the most and the rescue went to the banks.
Source: PSOE Lorca