VOX Lorca attended yesterday the meeting called by the livestock sector on the occasion of the partial modification of the PGOU of Lorca.
At that meeting, our training undertook not to support a modification of the PGOU that ignores the demands made by Lorca farmers.The reality of the Lorca municipality and its districts is very varied, and the agricultural sector is part of that realityThe approval of the modifications of the PGOU in the terms raised so far would suppose the practical expulsion of the livestock sector from our municipality.
In addition, a reform as radical as the one proposed by the PSOE and C's, with the participation of IU, will generate a situation of legal insecurity that will not only affect the livestock sector, but could negatively impact the implementation of new projects in our districts , such as the Biogas company that plans to settle in the municipality, or the expansion of the slaughterhouse.From VOX Lorca we ask ourselves this question: What company would invest millions of euros in implementing a new project in a municipality where, overnight, the death sentence of an entire productive sector is signed?We do not conceive that a modification of the PGOU can be carried out without the consensus of a sector as important in Lorca as the livestock farmer.The left's obsession with hyperregulating the agricultural sector has no limits, and in a Lorca governed by the PSOE, with the ambiguity of C's and the preferential support of IU, this situation can cause damage to a sector so vital to our economy.They say they are targeting large companies but, paradoxically, they always hit the little one, who is the most defenseless and who, as always, will be the most affected.We want to thank the effort that the entire livestock sector is making to find a way out of this new challenge, and reiterate our support for a group such as agriculture: past, present and future in the municipality.
Source: VOX Lorca