The councilor of this training, Gloria Martín, explained that, today, today, the medical offices of El Consejero, Puente La Pía, Campo López, Aguaderas, Purias, La Listen, La Campana and Marchena remain closed for autonomous government order.
Furthermore, since the start of the pandemic, pediatric consultations in Almendricos, La Hoya and Ramonete have also been suppressed. The councilor of Izquierda Unida-Verdes, Gloria Martín, will request the support of the Plenary of the City Council of Lorca, to demand from the Ministry of Health of the Government of the Region of Murcia the "immediate" reopening of the health centers that remain closed in the term of Lorca, "supposedly" due to the crisis generated by COVID-19. Martín recalled that, to this day, the medical offices of El Consejero, Puente La Pía, Campo López, Aguaderas, Purias, La Listen, La Campana and Marchena remain closed by order of the autonomous government.
Furthermore, since the start of the pandemic, pediatric consultations in Almendricos, La Hoya and Ramonete have also been suppressed.
In the latter case, the excuse is the need to establish a double circuit with double medical and nursing teams to attend to the child population in these centers.
However, the councilor of IU-Verdes believes that, in reality, these specialists are being used to fill the vacancies of general practitioners as it happens every summer. For Martín, it is striking that many of the clinics that, according to the criteria of the Ministry of Health, have not needed adaptation works to reopen their doors and regain their activity, are "of similar characteristics to the closed ones." For this reason, he expressed his fear that the lack of adaptation of these centers is, in fact, an excuse to keep them closed "in order to save personnel costs during the summer months." And it is that the regional administration has announced that it will reopen them in September although the supposed planned works have not yet been carried out, which "does not have any logic". Among the consequences of the non-reopening or non-recovery of all services in rural clinics, there is a significant increase in waiting lists, of up to twenty days, in Primary Care centers that are serving users whose Reference centers remain closed, such as La Viña, Torrecilla or San Diego.
This situation is also forcing the movement of residents to other points in the municipality other than their place of residence and who need to receive health care. For this reason, Martín has shown his "resounding opposition" to using this situation to "prime" with the most fragile branch of the health system.
"The coronavirus cannot serve as an excuse to gradually establish telephone attention and advance the closure of rural clinics," he said.
"We are concerned about the high percentage of people who do not deal well with new technologies or who are unable to explain well what they are hurting or what happens to them over the phone, and that this could lead to poor healthcare," he warned. Transfer of the COVID-19 diagnostic center On the other hand, Martín announced that the motion will also give voice to the claims of the residents of Campillo, who request the transfer of the reference center of Area III of Health to carry out diagnostic tests for the coronavirus currently located in the office of this deputation. "We are going to support the residents in their request to recover their reference medical center because we understand that there are other suitable locations to provide this service without forcing the inhabitants of Campillo to make trips to go to the doctor," said Martín. In this regard, the councilor of IU-Greens suggested the use of some of the local Police headquarters that remain "closed and blank" in county councils.
"It does not make sense to have these spaces unused and, meanwhile, to rob the neighbors of their right to go to their usual doctor's office, with all the inconveniences that this entails," she concluded.
Source: IU-verdes Lorca