| In common agreement with the livestock sector and residents | The Mayor of Lorca has announced the start of the procedures for the 'punctual' modification of the General Municipal Planning Plan, which includes that “new farms may not be installed within 500 meters of springs or cataloged natural sources and less than 100 meters of boulevards.
or channels ” The Mayor of Lorca, Diego José Mateos, together with the Deputy Mayor, Francisco Morales, and the Town Councilor for Urban Planning, José Luis Ruiz Guillén, have informed of the joint motion for the punctual modification of the distances to be respected, prior to the construction of new pig farms.Mateos explained that "after the agreement in a government meeting, we are going to start the procedures for modifying the General Municipal Planning Plan regarding the distances of intensive pig farming operations in the municipality of Lorca.""This is the first step to order all the necessary reports, a process that we will take to the next municipal plenary session, which will be held next Monday, in the form of a motion and, in it, we will present this specific modification of the General Municipal Planning Plan to regulate , partially, intensive pig farms in our municipal area ”.The First mayor has insisted that "it is an initiative of this Government Team that has the support of the municipal group Izquierda Unida Verdes and, despite certain catastrophic messages and the many stones on the road that we have found, we have managed to reach to an agreement to which, we hope, also join those political parties that have shown reluctance because we understand that it is a good agreement for the city, to reconcile an sector as important as the pig farming sector, of an intensive nature, and also the rest and the quality of life of the neighbors, especially of the districts ”.Mateos Molina has detailed that "regarding the concrete measures of this agreement principle, he stresses that new pig farms may not be installed within 1,500 meters, not only of the urban land of Lorca, as has been established so far, if not which also includes the urban land of the districts, health centers, medical offices and school centers ”."Neither may new farms be installed less than 500 meters from natural springs or cataloged natural sources and less than 100 meters from boulevards or channels collected in the inventory of channels in the Region of Murcia." The Mayor of Lorca has indicated that "in addition, an agreement has been reached regarding the extensions of the existing ones, and that they are located less than these new distances, and those pig farms that are less than 1,000 meters of urban centers, less than 500 of springs or less than 100 of boulevards, leaving a strip of farms located between 1,000 and 1,500 meters of farms that can be expanded as long as they do not become farms known as type III " . "There is no doubt that we have also been sensitive to the regulation of the sector and the expansion of facilities will always be allowed when it is due to compliance with animal welfare regulations, that is, it is necessary to expand facilities not increase the number of animals "The First mayor has reported that "we began these procedures for the modification of the General Municipal Planning Plan, which will only affect new pig farms, and, therefore, we suspend the granting of licenses to anything that does not coincide with this new regulations that we are already working on ”."It has been a work of deep dialogue on all sides and, therefore, I want to acknowledge the councilors of livestock and urban planning as there have been numerous meetings that have been held with representatives of the sector, as well as platforms and neighbors.
until we reach an agreement based on understanding and we also want to thank the effort made by all the parties ”.Diego José Mateos was satisfied “we believe that it is a great agreement in the face of a historic problem addressed in just over a year.
It has involved a great effort on the part of all: of the neighbors, of the sector, of the political forces, of this Government Team and therefore we want to put this first stone, a milestone of enormous importance since it ensures coexistence in our districts , health security in schools and health centers with the orderly development of a sector as important and traditional as the pig farming sector in the municipality of Lorca ”.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca