The works, which began last Monday after the approval of the Ministry of Health and will last for three weeks, have a municipal investment of 21,080.24 euros that will enable the residents of Purias to imminently recover the health care of scheduled way The Councilor for Health and Consumption of the City of Lorca, José Ángel Ponce, has supervised the adaptation works of the medical office of the Lorquina district of Purias that, after the approval by the Ministry of Health, began last Monday and will involve a municipal investment of 21,080.24 euros, with a deadline of three weeks. Ponce explained that "due to the state of alarm decreed by the health crisis situation, the Purias Primary Care Clinic had to stop providing service on March 20, by decision of the Ministry of Health, to concentrate health personnel in the main health centers ". The mayor has detailed that "to carry out the reopening of this office, it was necessary for the Ministry of Health of the Region of Murcia to indicate, in a concrete and detailed way, the adaptation works necessary for its reopening in order to guarantee safety both the staff and the users of the center.
" Thus, at the beginning of June, the management of the III health area indicated to the Lorca City Council the need to carry out specific actions in this office.
After exploring various approaches, all of them supervised by those responsible for the Ministry of Health, they gave the go-ahead for the start of these works. Ponce Díaz has indicated that "specifically, the improvements that are being carried out consist of the closing of the exterior porch as well as the restructuring of the interior of the center, which will allow the waiting room, access doors and the office exit to be expanded; in total an extension of about 25 square meters that will avoid crossings between users and health personnel, the differentiation of the waste and cleaning warehouse and the clean storage area and the opening of a consultation to isolate patients with symptoms similar to that produced by the Covid-19 virus.
" The Councilor for Health has announced that "in addition, thanks to these works, it will also be possible to resume, on a scheduled basis, the Pediatric service that is currently suspended". José Ángel Ponce has revealed that "from the City of Lorca we are going to continue urging the Autonomous Community, on whom the health-related responsibilities depend, to indicate and carry out the adaptation works necessary to reopen, at the possible brevity, the rest of the doctor's offices that remain closed in our municipality ". The mayor recalled that "since the Ministry of Health authorized the reopening of medical offices after its closure, the City of Lorca has invested a total of 41,180 euros from the municipal coffers to take on all the actions indicated by the Ministry of Health and that, specifically, in that first phase, they were expressly aimed at adapting the offices in Tercia, La Hoya, Morata and Purias ". Ponce has specified that "as of today, and after the start of the pandemic, 14 of the 23 medical offices distributed by the districts provide service on a scheduled basis in the municipality of Lorca.
Currently, a total of 9 medical offices remain closed by decision of the Autonomous Community.
Of these 9, Campillo's office remains the headquarters of the center to carry out COVID-19 tests and the rest (Puente La Pía, Marchena, Aguaderas, Campo López, La Listen, La Campana and The Counselor), may recover their health activity, on a scheduled basis, when the Health Department authorizes its reopening and always depending on the availability of the necessary personnel and the evolution of the epidemiological situation ".
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca