The councilor of this training, Gloria Martín, considers it "irresponsible" that there are waiting lists to carry out the PCRs, and has demanded "that all the necessary means be made available to carry out the necessary tests." This would include a second test for people with a negative result who, as a precaution, should be kept in isolation until definitive confirmation that they are not infected by the virus. The councilor of Izquierda Unida-Verdes, Gloria Martín, has demanded that the regional government implement the "Ordizia model" to control the coronavirus outbreak that originated in a nightlife area in the historic center of Lorca. As in the city of Sol, in early July an outbreak of coronavirus was detected in the municipality of Ordizia (Guipúzcoa, 10,394 inhabitants) that reached 74 positives and was also linked to an area of ??bars and pubs. Martín regretted that, unlike that case, in which, as a precaution, the affected establishments were closed "immediately", in Lorca it will not be until today when they are closed, as reported by the Ministry of Health yesterday. In addition, in the Basque municipality, the streets originating from the outbreak were disinfected and ten tents were set up to carry out massive PCR tests on all those in the area.
In addition, more than 2,500 PCRs were performed (more than a quarter of the population), which included the entire environment of all positive cases.
Today the outbreak is "controlled" and, just two weeks later, the measures adopted by the Basque health authorities have been withdrawn, although there will be continuous monitoring and evaluation. In the case of Lorca, Martín has learned of neighbors who have contacted the telephones enabled to request the diagnostic tests and have been told to live a normal life "despite having been in contact with people already infected because" they have no symptoms.
"Martín also considered it" irresponsible "that there are waiting lists to carry out the tests, and has demanded" that all the necessary means be made available to carry out the tests that are necessary.
"This would include" a second test.
"negative people who, as a precaution, should be kept in isolation until final confirmation that they are not infected with the virus. Martín has also requested the limitation of the capacity in hospitality establishments, that consumption in bars is prohibited and that it be closed after 11:30 p.m. The councilor of IU-Verdes has again denounced that the Region has one of the worst ratios in Spain of nurses for every 1,000 inhabitants and that in the regional budgets (approved in the midst of the COVI19 crisis) pharmaceutical spending has been cut by 74 million (10.5% less for prescriptions and 16% less for hospital pharmacies). In addition, an important part of the health expenditure per inhabitant in the Region of Murcia is allocated to health concerts with private clinics "that are supported with public funds because, if not, they would be unfeasible, but where if you are going to do a PCR, you will they charge.
" For all these reasons, according to the 2019 report of the Federation of Associations for the Defense of Public Health (Fadsp), "in our region we suffer the second worst health in Spain, only behind the Canary Islands." For this reason, he has concluded that, "apart from irresponsible personal attitudes, the problem here is how the competent authorities, which are the autonomous ones, apply the necessary measures to stop the outbreak."
Source: IU-verdes Lorca