| Ángel Meca: "nobody understands that when people were locked up in their homes due to confinement, they did they were disinfecting the streets, and now that there are more people than before on the streets, these tasks have been abandoned "| The popular demand that the current mayor send them all the documentation on the disinfection work of urban spaces that the municipal council has been able to carry out, including the quadrants, orders, days and hours The deputy spokesman for the Popular Party in the municipality of Lorca, Ángel Meca, has reiterated the implementation of a special plan to disinfect the streets of both the urban area and our districts.
There are hundreds of complaints that have been coming to us for several days from Lorca who do not understand why the disinfection works of streets, squares and urban spaces in general were abandoned by the current local government, which, paradoxically, were especially developing by voluntary farmers and ranchers, during confinement. People do not understand why before, when citizens had to be locked up in our houses, the streets were being disinfected, and now that there are more people on the streets than before, they have stopped doing it.
From the Popular Party we insist on the immediate implementation of a special and exclusive operation to carry out disinfection work throughout our municipality.
We are fully aware that the city council has an obligation to provide service in this sense to all Lorca, in a municipal term as broad as ours, but we do not understand how it is possible that these tasks were abandoned.
We must remember that the regulations established for this purpose require the daily disinfection of urban spaces. We demand a Disinfection Plan for public areas, which includes daily street fumigation and cleaning and any element for public use.
It is a task that has to be carried out by specific and qualified personnel to carry out these tasks.
For this reason, it is necessary to create a municipal brigade dedicated exclusively to disinfecting streets, squares and other urban spaces throughout the municipality.
We are talking about tasks that are not typical of the work of other types of municipal personnel (gardeners, street sweepers, municipal emergency services ...), who are being deprived of dedicating the time they need to their real work. At the same time, we have requested in writing to the current mayor that he urgently send us all the documentation related to the disinfection treatments of urban areas of the city and districts that have been developed throughout this July.
We have requested a copy of all the works commissioned, as well as those that may have been carried out with the council's own human and material resources, including the quadrants and supporting documents for these actions, specifying days and hours in which they have been carried out.
This information, which should be public, has not been provided to us so far, despite the fact that we asked for it days ago, and we were also forced to insist on our request during the plenary session held this past Monday. From the PP we trust that, if there is nothing to hide and the regulations established to avoid COVID-19 infections have been scrupulously complied with, this information will be sent to us in the next few days by the mayor of the Socialists.
Source: PP Lorca