The councilors of the Popular Party in the municipality of Lorca Mayte Martínez and Ángel Meca, have accompanied the director general of Roads of the PP regional government, José Antonio Fernández Lladó, on the visit to the Almendricos district in which the awarding of works to improve the Almendricos highway, to which 3.8 million will be invested.Faced with the ineffectiveness of the PSOE mayor, who has stopped Lorca, it is the Popular Party that has to bring the investments that Lorca need.
Director José Antonio Fernández Lladó announces that the performance will start in September The Ministry of Development and Infrastructure awards the works to improve the route of the road that connects the municipality of Puerto Lumbreras with the Lorca province of Almendricos (RM-D17), which will mean a regional investment of 3.8 million euros and its term of execution will be 12 months.The action to be carried out by the Ministry covers a section of more than six kilometers, and consists of repairing the pavement, preparing the layout and arranging the accesses.
From the PP we want to thank the free transfer of land by their owners, which makes possible the execution of this improvement, so important for the district.The Director General of Roads, José Antonio Fernández Lladó, visited the regional highway today where he announced that the works that will lead to an improvement in road safety for its users will start next September.
Currently the previous signaling and data collection work is being done on the public infrastructures affected by the work.Fernández Lladó explained that the entire platform will be conditioned so that there are two 3.5-meter lanes, 1-meter paved shoulders and 0.5-meter berms throughout its route.
He indicated that the entire longitudinal and transverse drainage system of the regional highway will be renewed so that it "works properly in rain episodes."The director stressed that sidewalks will be provided on both sides of the road that will reinforce the safety of pedestrians in the area on the final section of the road, from the beginning of the Almendricos crossing to the underpass under the railway line.
Source: PP Lorca