| Councilors of IU-V de Lorca and Puerto Lumbreras denounce multiple shortcomings in the labor inspection in the primary sector of the region | Sosa hopes that the investigation will go further and that the responsibilities do not lie only with the "hook" or the "van". Víctor Romera, IU councilor in P.
Lumbreras and CCOO labor technician, affirms that after two decades of the tragic event in which a dozen Ecuadorian workers lost their lives, very little has been improved in terms of control, inspection and workers rights The municipal spokespersons for IU in the Lorca and Puerto Lumbreras Town Halls, Pedro Sosa and Víctor Romera, have appeared before the media today to talk about the fateful event that took place this weekend in Lorca, in which a farm worker, affected due to heat stroke, he was abandoned at the doors of a health center and later died during his transfer to the Rafael Méndez Hospital. This fact, those appearing have affirmed, puts Lorca's name back on the national limelight.
And he does, while his Mayor goes on vacation (with a laconic regret for this death on his Facebook profile) and his deputy mayor (from Ciudadanos) continues on vacation (without even expressing the slightest regret for this unfortunate death) . It is up to us, IU councilors in this region, to keep the flag of dignity raised in these sad times, and that dignity, says Sosa, requires several things.
The first of these is to require that the Lorca City Council assume the accusation and persist in the criminal procedure that will have to be opened to prosecute all the accumulation of crimes "against the rights of workers" and other criminal types, which have been able to participate in this painful event.
It does so in other cases and, for us, it is now also important to exercise the accusatory function. Sosa affirms that the investigation opened for this death must go to the end of the chain, which, not infrequently, does not end with the "hooker" or the "van", which at the moment is the only detainee.
Behind that figure of the "hooker" there is always an entrepreneur, a farm, a farm, a brand ...
and each one must assume the criminal responsibility derived from his actions or his omissions. For the lorquino councilor of IU, the widespread labor irregularity is favored by the immense deficiencies of a Labor Inspection that, on more than a few occasions, "takes more than 8 or 9 months to attend, late and badly, to some of the complaints that they are sent to them.
" For the last Pedro Sosa has asked all the councilors of the Lorca corporation to reflect on what happened.
Just two months ago, says Sosa, only IU councilors came to the defense of the Minister of Labor, Yolanda Díaz, when he criticized the irregularity of the primary sector and the need to expand labor inspections in the fields.
They all went against her, including the Lorca PSOE Councilor and head of Agriculture, who publicly criticized the Minister in the May plenary session.
According to Sosa, these statements are the best breeding ground for irregularity and labor exploitation to continue in the field.
Some irregularities that the first that should be prosecuted are compliant entrepreneurs who, in addition, are victims of unfair competition.Sosa has announced that IU is behind bringing Lorca to the Minister of Labor, so that she knows first-hand the labor situation of the primary sector. For his part, Víctor Romera, IU Councilor in the neighboring town of Puerto Lumbreras, has stated that in Lorca history repeats itself almost two decades after the tragic accident that cost the lives of a dozen Ecuadorian wages.
For the mayor of IU, who is also an expert in labor relations, labor inspections should be redoubled until all workers in the field have an employment contract and the wage and social rights established in the agreements are respected. The irregularity, says Víctor Romera, implies that workers sometimes charge half of what is established in the salary tables of the agreements, it also implies unfair competition against employers who do not comply with the rules, and, in addition, it always involves fraud against Social Security and another against the Public Treasury.
But worst of all, Romera ends, is that in the 21st century the conditions are in place for a worker to be abandoned like a dog at the doors of an ambulatory.
Source: IU-verdes Lorca