The national deputy for the PSOE, Marisol Sánchez, has also announced that the "Casa del Pueblo" will open from September 1 to 15 to continue processing applications.
She also stressed that the IMV, apart from helping the most vulnerable, is a direct entry into the economy, "into small and medium-sized businesses." The national deputy for the PSOE took stock this morning of the operation of the office that the party in Lorca launched a month and a half ago.
"As it is a social measure to give liquidity and security to families in vulnerable situations, the Lorquina Socialist Group" did not think twice "and offered its headquarters for Lorca and Lorca to have a physical place to go to process their application for Minimum Vital Income Sánchez has reported that since this office was opened, 263 families have been treated there and 131 applications have been processed directly. The socialist deputy has encouraged all Lorca to believe that they may be entitled to this new benefit to come closer from September 1 to 15 of the same month, which is the maximum period for aid to be granted with effect retroactive to June 1, at the PSOE headquarters (Plaza Real n ° 2) in the morning from 10 am to 1 pm, Monday to Friday to receive information and process the application.
"It is social justice that those who are having the worst time with the economic crisis stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic can get ahead with everyone's help and that no one is left behind." According to estimates, the new benefit could reach 1,500 beneficiary households, in which more than 3,500 people live in Lorca, with special emphasis on those with children.
In fact, 30% would be less.
There will also be a higher incidence among single-parent households, which will account for 16% of the beneficiaries.
Among them, almost 90% are headed by a woman. Sánchez Jódar also recalled that according to the Network to Fight Poverty, the percentage of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion in the Region of Murcia (AROPE) in our autonomous community is 32% as of October last year, for which "it is certain that after what happened, that percentage is higher and Murcia is, unfortunately, one of the areas where this measure has the most effect, given that the average in Spain for that same date was 26%." The Minimum Life Income starts from a wide typology of households (depending on the number of members and whether they are single-parent) and establishes a different level of guaranteed income for each type of household.
The minimum level, which corresponds to single-person households, is 5,538 euros per year, the equivalent of a non-contributory pension.
Sánchez Jódar also stressed that this is an income that goes directly to the economy, "to small and medium-sized businesses"
Source: PSOE Lorca