The Flamenco Cultural Club Ciudad del Sol de Lorca, as organizer of the International Festival of Flamenco Singing "Ciudad de Sol" communicates that, in the meeting held recently with the Mayor of the Consistory, Diego José Mateos, the Deputy Mayor, Francisco Morales and the Councilor of Culture, María Ángeles Mazuecos, due to the restrictions derived from the current health situation caused by the COVID-19 virus, unanimously decided to temporarily suspend its XXX edition scheduled for next November.However, despite this health contingency that prevents the normal development of its program, the Directorate of the Peña Cultural Flamenca de Lorca plans to carry out, with the sponsorship of the Lorca City Council, the Department of Culture and its usual collaborators, other related acts with its activity in which the pertinent recommendations of the health authorities can be met.
Source: Peña Cultural Flamenca Ciudad del Sol de Lorca