The Consistory will open in September a term of 10 days for the correction of errors and to complete the files and once reviewed, the call will be resolved and all the granted aid will be paid. The Deputy Mayor of Lorca and Councilor for the Economy, Francisco Morales, together with the Councilor for Finance, Isidro Abellán, have reported the completion of the resolution of the files for the granting of subsidies to self-employed and micro-businesses affected by the health crisis. Francisco Morales has shown that "from the Lorca City Council we are working, from minute one, to alleviate the negative economic and social effects caused by this health crisis caused by Covid-19.
Therefore, and with the firm intention To help the economic sector, from this Government Team we have mobilized a million euros by launching a call for subsidies that will be able to accept the self-employed and micro-companies that have been affected by the negative consequences of this health emergency.
" For his part, the councilor for Finance has explained that "we have received a significant number of applications to apply for these subsidies, which are being reviewed given that the system established for their concession, in accordance with the provisions of the General Law of Subsidies, is the one of competitive concurrence, and therefore its payment must be done in a single act for all the applications presented ". Isidro Abellán has detailed that "a significant number of the applications reviewed meet all the requirements and, their applicants, have provided the relevant documentation.
However, due to various errors and lack of documentation detected in some of those applications, we will enable in September a period of 10 days, which we will specify publicly, so that the interested parties can correct their requests.
" The mayor of the Treasury has announced that "after this open correction period so that these grants reach the maximum number of possible beneficiaries, and once the files have been reviewed, the call will be resolved and in September, all the grants will be paid.
" Abellán recalled that "helping our freelancers, merchants, hoteliers, entrepreneurs and businessmen from Lorca is essential for the Lorca Consistory and, therefore, subsidies will be granted to self-employed or small companies in the municipality whose activity has been affected by the closure of establishments due to the state of alarm.
Specifically, these grants are divided into two: on the one hand, grants of 500 euros, for those whose activity has been affected by the closure of establishments due to the state of alarm, and a second typology, endowed with 350 euros, for street traders and in municipal supply squares ". The Deputy Mayor of Lorca stressed that "it is an important aid that is added to the measures that we have been developing from the City Council against the negative economic and social effects caused by the health crisis of the 'coronavirus' and that from now on they will agree with the agents involved all those that are necessary and we can put into practice from the City of Lorca to improve this negative situation that we are suffering.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca