Diego José Mateos: "in total there are 738,000 euros stipulated for Lorca in this Plan and that they will finance works in 16 districts of our city such as La Parroquia, La Hoya, Coy, Almendricos, Pozo La Higuera or Campillo and they will have a duration of two years ". The mayor of Lorca, Diego José Mateos, has announced the signing of the agreement with the Regional Government, to finance the works included in the Plan for Districts, County Councils and Peripheral Neighborhoods 2020/2021. Mateos has reported "the signing of the agreement between the City Council of Lorca and the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia to finance the works included in the Plan of districts, County Councils and Peripheral Neighborhoods 2020/2021, through a videoconference held this same tomorrow with the Minister of the Presidency and Finance, Javier Celdrán, and the Director General of the Local Administration, Francisco Abril, and in which the Councilor for Pedanías, Antonia Navarro, was also present ". The Mayor explained that "in total there are 738,000 euros stipulated for Lorca in this Plan and that they will finance works in 16 districts of our city such as La Parroquia, La Hoya, Coy, Almendricos, Pozo La Higuera or Campillo and that they will last two years.
" The mayor of Lorca has detailed that "also, there are other projects apart from these 16 that remain in the portfolio waiting to be financed with possible withdrawals that may occur in the award of the initially planned works." Diego José Mateos has shown that "it is a commitment of the City Council of Lorca and the Regional Government for the neighborhoods and districts, for investing in them, repairing and introducing new services that improve the lives of our citizens".
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca