The mayor of Libraries, Antonia Pérez, explained that "these meetings will comply with all hygiene guarantees and adapting to the current health crisis, in order to maintain the distance between people and comply with the measures established by the health authorities, we will create small groups of no more than 6 people ". The Councilor for Libraries of the City of Lorca, Antonia Pérez, has reported that the Municipal Network of Libraries of Lorca retakes the reading clubs for this last quarter of the year with all hygiene guarantees and adapting to the current health crisis. The Councilor for Libraries explained that "a total of 40 people will be part of the different gatherings that will be held during these months.
In order to maintain the distance between people and comply with the measures established by the health authorities, we will create small groups of no more than 6 people ". Antonia Pérez has pointed out that "the clubs' gatherings will be held on the second floor of the 'Pilar Barnés' Library where the members will have enough space.
The sessions will be mainly face-to-face and, furthermore, they have been offered to those users who cannot move Due to age, illness or any other circumstance, the option of connecting via video call to the reading club gathering.
Thus, they will be able to participate from home, contributing their impressions of the reading carried out and listening to the comments of the other members who, from their homes or the library, are participating in the book club.
" Pérez Segura has detailed that "the gatherings will be held every four weeks so that the members of the clubs have enough time to read the proposed book.
During these months they will proceed to read the novels 'La uruguaya' by Pedro Mairal; 'The colors of the fire' by Pierre Lemaitre and 'When the reclusa leaves' by Fred Vargas ". Finally, the mayor has reiterated that "all copies that are loaned to club members are supplied by the Regional Library and all have passed the quarantine established by the health authorities against COVID-19."
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca