This year, due to the coronavirus pandemic, all events organized by the Association of Housewives, Consumers and Users have been suppressed, but they have wanted to continue giving visibility to this group with this gesture.
" The City Council of Lorca has joined, this Friday, together with the Association of Housewives, Consumers and Users of the municipality to commemorate, this October 9, the Day of the Housewife. The mayor of Lorca, Diego José Mateos, has highlighted "the great work that housewives carry out 365 days a year, a daily work and effort on which the focus is placed with the celebration of this day, highlighting the role fundamental that they develop as the soul of the homes and therefore of our Society ". Diego José Mateos has insisted that "real policies of work and family conciliation are very necessary, with the main objective that women can reconcile their work and personal life, being able to meet their obligations as a working woman, in addition to continuing to take care of the house and the children, among others, a continuous work that is carried out every day but that, unfortunately, is not paid and is sometimes little recognized ". The president of the Association of Housewives, Consumers and Users, Carmina Reverte, has announced that, this year, due to the health situation we are going through, no program of events is planned. Finally, the First Mayor has also recognized the work that the group of Housewives of Lorca has been carrying out for many years with numerous social and cultural activities, and has shown the intention of "this Government team to continue supporting them to achieve, among all, give more social visibility to this group ".
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca