| Rosa Medina: "We demand that the self-employed who suffer losses of 40% due to the crisis are freed from the payment of water and garbage bills | The current mayor has spent 800,000 euros on cars, so to help people there also has to be money "The Councilor for Economy and Finance in the city of Lorca for the Popular Party, Rosa María Medina, has demanded that the municipal council assume and incorporate as soon as possible the exemptions and tax credits raised by the Platform of Self-Employed Lorca (PLAU).
We are talking about essential measures for the professional survival of hundreds of self-employed in our municipality, who are receiving neither the attention nor the treatment they deserve from the current mayor.The PP Economy Councilor has stated that this measure has been transferred to the PLAU by Fulgencio Gil in the course of a working meeting.
Rosa Medina has indicated that from the PP we claim that the self-employed Lorca who accumulate losses of 40% in their businesses as a result of the crisis we are suffering, be released from paying the water bill and garbage collection during 2021, a measure that can be tend perfectly by the city council given the state that the municipal coffers now present thanks to the management of spending control, debt reduction and comprehensive economic optimization developed by our party over the last few years.It is evident that, if the current mayor considers it convenient to spend 800,000 euros on buying cars for the city council, it is at least as appropriate and necessary from a social point of view to establish aid and tax exemptions for Lorca.
We must remember that the city council now has more money than ever, and, in addition, as Ceclor and the Chamber of Commerce have pointed out, the spending rule that until now limited the economic possibilities of the council will be suspended.
The figures now presented by the municipal accounts speak for themselves: we have a surplus of 6.5 million euros and more than 12 million euros in treasury, thanks to the management developed by the Popular Party, which also managed to cut the debt municipal in more than 71 million euros, going from 105.4 to 34.The good health of the municipal coffers, and the available resources are obtained with the support of the Lorca society, and now they have to affect the pocket of the citizens, because it is under these circumstances when people need it.
From the municipalism we have to reflect our commitment to the people in the face of the problems they are going through, specifying it with the achievement of a general reduction in municipal taxes and fees.The consistory continues to store savings daily in the municipal coffers due to the massive suspension of events such as Easter, Girl Fair, concerts, cultural programs, parties in all neighborhoods and districts, Fair and September Festivities, among others.The LORCA Plan ANSWERS that we put on the table by the PP six months ago, it did contain the fiscal solutions and the aid that this group deserves, but the current local government rejected them, imposing a system of "handouts" that, as already We said at the time, it is a failure, and it reflects the ineptitude of a government group that did not want to listen to the people, and is not now capable of articulating the measures they need.The fiscal ordinances for next year must include the proposals made by the PLAUIs, since the current local government cannot continue to turn a deaf ear to the legitimate demands of a sector of professionals that is having a really bad time because of the consequences of the economic crisis linked to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Source: PP Lorca