"For what Mr.
Gil should have taken advantage of the PLAU demonstration is to explain to merchants, hoteliers and small and medium-sized businessmen that this government team is doing what the PP was unable to do after the earthquake, that is, grant direct municipal aid to the sectors most affected by this economic crisis derived from the health crisis ". The spokesman for the Municipal Executive of the Socialist Party of Lorca, Julián Herencia, has shown "the absolute conviction that overcoming the health, economic and social situation with which the pandemic haunts us is only possible under the unity and collective contribution, the The town of Lorca is showing that the 'all to one' pattern has become a principle that has joined all shoulders.
Thanks to the responsibility and effort of our neighbors, infections are beginning to be controlled and, as a result, Schools are recovering their face-to-face classes this Thursday and the Mayor's requests have been heard, allowing the hoteliers to have a capacity of 40 percent inside the establishments ". "United to this cause, the Lorca Government team leaves its skin every day to develop not only the activities that are its own, but is also acting in those that are not within its competence and that are not being treated by whoever corresponds An example of this has been the municipal investment of 80,000 euros in the conditioning of the Primary Care centers, hoping, now, that whoever is responsible, the Ministry of Health of the Region of Murcia, will start them up.
" Herencia recalled "the preparation of IFELOR to host the Lorca COVID Point, with 10,000 euros from municipal funds, to make it available to the Murcian Health Service and its use by health services and to alleviate the lack of essential trackers, the City Council has set up a team of 30 people, trained for this performance.
And thus, a long etcetera that is expanded every day by the needs and demands of our municipality.
" "Incessant work under the prism of institutional loyalty that the Mayor gives to the municipal work carried out to fight the health pandemic caused by Covid-19 as well as its effects.
All of this assuming own and other competences, without raising his voice in Against whom, with deserved reasons, the criticism of his performances and his absences is well earned ". The spokesman for the Socialist Municipal Executive of Lorca assured that "it is a pity, but it does not seem that we are all rowing in the same direction and that institutional loyalty seems to only have a one-way trip, that of the Lorca Government team.
When facing a demonstration of freelancers, in front of the City Council, requesting aid and speed in their delivery, the Popular Party spokesman, Fulgencio Gil, tries to get partisan performance, taking advantage of the complicated situation for so many freelancers and businessmen who especially suffer from this difficult situation. It is not ethical, nor moral, nor worthy to try to take advantage of the ills of others, especially when the citizen turns to the administration that is closest to him and, above all, if it does echo his problems and tries to solve us ". "For what Mr.
Gil should have taken advantage of the PLAU demonstration is to explain to merchants, hoteliers and small and medium-sized businessmen that this government team is doing what the PP was unable to do after the earthquake, that is, grant direct municipal aid to the sectors most affected by this economic crisis derived from the health crisis.
And, to date, the City Council of Lorca has granted 275,900 euros for cessation of activity, a total of 571 grants of 500 euros and 64 of 350 euros to market shopkeepers and vendors in the food market ". Julián Herencia has insisted that "it would not have been too much for the Popular Party spokesman in Lorca to have explained that the Government of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia has everything arranged for the self-employed with the Reactive Plan.
Since they have it endowed with 85,845 euros and have achieved a 'super help' of 286.15 euros, yes, for those who had lowered their turnover by 40 percent.
In short, three hundred freelancers have managed to 'benefit' from this great effort by Fernando López You look, with good reason it has hidden so much that it has not even shown its face in the plenary session of the Regional Assembly, scheduled for October 7, conveniently canceled. "The spokesman of the PP of Lorca, Mr.
Fulgencio Gil, could have learned from the Mayor of Lorca and show that institutional loyalty that we so much need and explain that municipal budgets are not the most appropriate to generate aid of consideration that palliate the economic losses derived from this pandemic.
What it should have done is to make itself available to the plaintiffs to continue looking, alongside the Lorca Government team, measures aimed at improving the needs of the most affected sectors at the same time as to subscribe the commitment to interpellate the Regional Government, so that it promotes authentic helps that solve the serious economic problem that drag the group of freelancers ". Herencia has remarked that "neither Mr.
López Miras nor Mr.
Gil should have forgotten to explain that on September 30, the Government of Spain provided 107 million euros to the self-employed in the Region of Murcia.
From which 43,566 have received benefits for cessation of activity, 11 for seasonal self-employed and 4,444 for a new benefit compatible with the activity ". "From the PSOE of Lorca we hope and wish that, at least while the efforts have as their main objective the fight against this virus, party interests are abandoned and wills of unity join, with the sole goal of improving our society as much as possible lorquina, to which all parties owe ourselves exclusively ".
Source: PSOE Lorca